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Task System

Para iniciar sua Task é necessário ir até o NPC Grizzly Adams, localizado nas cidades mais movimentadas, na imagem anexada na lateral temos o NPC Grizzly Adams localizado em Thais próximo ao Depot. Para iniciar sua task digite, hi, task, dragons, yes, você irá iniciar a task de um determinado mostro e terá que matar uma quantidade X desse mostro para finalizar sua Task, lembrando que você pode escolher 5 task para fazer simultaneamente. Caso queira ver as opções de task digite, hi, task, task names.
Após finalizar sua task volte ao NPC Grizzly Adams e digite, hi, report, dragon, yes, caso tenha matado o número correto de monstros receberá seu prêmio..
(Clique na imagem pra ampliar.)

BOSS ROOM, em determinadas tasks quando você finalizar o report você receberá o acesso para matar um determinado BOSS e será teleportado para a sala BOSS ROOM automaticamente. Quando você pisar em um desses tiles laranjas você entrará a uma sala exclusiva e o devido BOSS será sumonado. Caso você saia da sala antes de ter matado o BOSS ou caso tenha morrido, basta digitar pro NPC, hi, boss room, yes.
(Clique na imagem pra ampliar.)

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Monsters: You need to kill: Rewards:

Frost Troll
Island Troll
Furious Troll
Swamp Troll
100 Deaths 20.000 of experience
20.000 golds

Goblin Assassin
Goblin Leader
Goblin Scavenger
150 Deaths 25.000 of experience
25.000 golds

Carriom Worm
300 Deaths 30.000 of experience
30.000 golds

Cyclops Smith
Cyclops Drone
500 Deaths 40.000 of experience
40.000 golds

Crocodile 300 Deaths 35.000 of experience
BOSS: The Snapper

Tarantula 300 Deaths 35.000 of experience
BOSS: Hide

Carniphila 4.000 Deaths 45.000 of experience
BOSS: Tiquandas Revenge

Stone Golems
Stone Golem 200 Deaths 50.000 of experience

Mammoth 300 Deaths 40.000 of experience
BOSS: The Bloodtusk

Ice Golems
Ice Golem 300 Deaths 50.000 of experience
BOSS: Shardhead

Quaras Scout
Quara Predator Scout
Quara Pincher Scout
Quara Mantassin Scout
Quara Constrictor Scout
Quara Hydromancer Scout
300 Deaths 100.000 of experience

Quara Predator
Quara Constrictor
Quara Hydromancer
Quara Mantassin
Quara Pincher
300 Deaths 45.000 of experience
BOSS: Thul

Water Elementals
Water Elemental
Roaring Water Elemental
Slick Water Elemental
Massive Water Elemental
70 Deaths 50.000 of experience

Earth Elementals
Earth Elemental
Massive Earth Elemental
Jagged Earth Elemental
Muddy Earth Elemental
70 Deaths 50.000 of experience

Energy Elementals
Energy Elemental
Charged Energy Elemental
Massive Energy Elemental
Overcharged Energy Elemental
70 Deaths 50.000 of experience

Fire Elementals
Fire Elemental
Massive Fire Elemental
Blazing Fire Elemental
Blistering Fire Elemental
70 Deaths 50.000 of experience

Mutated Rats
Mutated Rat 200 Deaths 35.000 of experience
BOSS: Esmeralda

Giant Spiders
Giant Spider 500 Deaths 50.000 of experience
BOSS: The Old Widow

Hydra 10.000 Deaths 500.000 of experience
Item Custom: egg of the Many

Medusa 10.000 Deaths 800.000 of experience
1.500.000 golds
BOSS: Gorgonas
Item Custom: Spectre Gorgonas

Sea Serpents
Sea Serpent 2.000 Deaths BOSS: Leviathan

Behemoth 2.000 Deaths BOSS: Stonecracker

Serpents Spawn
Serpent Spawn 7.000 Deaths 250.000 of experience
Item Custom: claw of 'The Noxiou...

Green Djinns
Green Djinn
500 Deaths 50.000 of experience
150.000 golds
BOSS: Merikh The Slaughterer

Blue Djinns
Blue Djinn
500 Deaths 150.000 of experience
150.000 golds
BOSS: Fahim The Wise

Pirate Buccaneer
Pirate Corsair
Pirate Cutthroat
Pirate Ghost
Pirate Marauder
Pirate Skeleton
10.000 Deaths 100.000 of experience
150.000 golds
BOSS: Brutus Bloodbeard
BOSS: Deadeye Devious
BOSS: Lethal Lissy
BOSS: Ron The Ripper

Dragon Lord
Frost Dragon
9.000 Deaths BOSS: Demodras
ITEM: Dragon Claw

Minotaur Mage
Minotaur Guard
Minotaur Archer
10.000 Deaths 90.000 of experience
90.000 golds
BOSS: The Horned Fox
ITEM: Nose Ring

9.000 Deaths 200.000 of experience
200.000 golds
BOSS: Necropharus
ITEM: Soul Stone

Draken Abomination
Draken Elite
Draken Spellweaver
Draken Warmaster
4.000 Deaths 700.000 of experience
2.500.000 golds
BOSS: Paiz The Pauperizer

Hellhound 1.500 Deaths 500.000 of experience
1.000.000 golds
BOSS: Kerberos

Undead Dragons
Undead Dragon 500 Deaths 400.000 of experience
1.500.000 golds
BOSS: Zanakeph

Ghastly Dragons
Ghastly Dragon 700 Deaths 500.000 of experience
1.800.000 golds
BOSS: Ethershreck

Grim Reapers
Grim Reaper 35.000 Deaths 1.500.000 of experience
3.500.000 golds
Item Custom: Old Necklace

Demon 6666 Deaths 700.000 of experience
ITEM: Holy Icon
(This item unlocks access to Demon Oak.)

Fury 25.000 Deaths 1.500.000 of experience
Item Custom: Fury Fire

Nightmare 35.000 Deaths 2.500.000 of experience
Item Custom: Tribal Amulet

Lizard Chosen
Lizard Dragon Priest
Lizard High Guard
Lizard Legionnaire
Lizard Zaogun
50.000 Deaths 5.000.000 of experience
Item Custom: Rare Serpent

Fury of Venoms
Fury of Venom 55.000 Deaths 10.000.000 of experience
Item Custom: Emerald Ring

Western Nightstalkers
Western Nightstalker 150.000 Deaths 12.000.000 of experience
Item Custom: Special Bottle

Western Princess
Western Princess 45.000 Deaths 15.000.000 of experience
30.000.000 golds
Permission for Special Food.

Western Undeads
Western Undead 30.000 Deaths 17.000.000 of experience
Item Custom: Undead Amulet

Warlock 53.000 Deaths 13.000.000 of experience
Item Custom: EXP Double Pro

Juggernaut 15.000 Deaths 6.000.000 of experience
Item Custom: Bag Task

Elf Blacks
Elf Black 50.000 Deaths 5.000.000 of experience
Outfit: Retro Hunter

Infernalist 200.000 Deaths 8.000.000 of experience
Mount: Mutated Abomination

Harazarar 10.000 Deaths 7.000.000 of experience
Outfit: Armoured Archer

Cyclops Woolys
Cyclops Wooly 45.000 Deaths 6.000.000 of experience
Mount: Retro Knight

Golden Warriors
Golden Warrior 250.000 Deaths 9.000.000 of experience
Outfit: Doom Knight

Furys of Ice
Fury of Ice 55.000 Deaths 12.000.000 of experience
Mount: Corpsefire Skull

Choking Fears
Choking Fear 50.000 Deaths 8.000.000 of experience
Mount: Mystic Jaguar

Nefilim 45.000 Deaths 10.000.000 of experience
Mount: Gorgon Hydra
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players Online
Top Experience
1- Ogromax
1503, Royal Paladin
2- Not Like Us
495, Elder Druid
3- Rufus Da Motta
491, Royal Paladin
4- Suprazilla
486, Royal Paladin
5- Luvsice
480, Master Sorcerer

Top Frags
1- Caixa Baixa
1 3071, Frags
2- Rushw
2587, Frags
3- Lidera Full Odiado
2546, Frags
Top Balance ($)
1- Ogromax
1$ 18.574.980.550 Golds
2- Alakazam
$ 7.968.623.069 Golds
3- Madam Rose
$ 6.942.605.126 Golds

Top Outfits
1- Xadet
147, Outfits
2- Macumbeiro
44, Outfits
3- Trevinha
33, Outfits
Top Mounts
1- Macumbeiro
144, Mounts
2- Xadet
33, Mounts
3- Rufus Da Motta
23, Mounts