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Items Custom Kaldrox
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Boots

Speed: +35%, healthGain: 10/1s, manaGain: 22/1s, Infinite.
(30 points)
All races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP EK Shield
Defense: 45, skillSword +2, skillClub: +2, skillAxe: +2, skillShield: +5, healthGain: +4/1s, manaGain: +2/1s, Speed: +10%.
(45 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP RP Shield
Defense: 40, skillDist +2, skillShield: +5, healthGain: +2/1s, manaGain: +2/1s, Speed: +10%, magicLevel: +1.
(45 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP ED Shield
Defense: 38, healthGain: +2/1s manaGain: +4/1s, skillShield: +5, Speed: +10%, magicLevel: +4.
(45 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP MS Shield
Defense: 38, skillShield: +5, healthGain: +2/1s, manaGain: +4/1s, Speed: +10%, magicLevel: +4.
(45 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Winged Helmet
Armor: 15, Speed: 2,5%, skillDist: +2, healthGain: 1/1s, manaGain: 1/1s, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, absorbPercentPhysical: 5%, absorbPercentManaDrain: 35%, absorbPercentLifeDrain: 38%.
(30 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Scale Helmet

Armor: 15, Speed: +2,5%, healthGain: +1/1s, manaGain: +1/1s, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, absorbPercentPhysical: 11%, absorbPercentManaDrain: 35%, absorbPercentLifeDrain: 38%.
(30 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:


Armor: 12, Speed: +2,5%, healthGain: +1/1s, manaGain: +1/1s, absorbPercentPhysical: 4%, absorbPercentHoly: 21%, absorbPercentManaDrain: 35%, absorbPercentLifeDrain: 38%, magicLevel: +3.
(30 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Assassin Star

Attack: 70, Range: 7, maxHitChance: 100%, Infinite.
(35 points)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Ice Bow

Attack: 70, Range: 7, maxHitChance: 100%, Type: Ice, Infinite.
(40 points)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Golden Bow

Attack: 70, Range: 7, maxHitChance: 100%, Type: Holy, Infinite.
(40 points)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Warlord Sword

Attack: 56, Defense: 45, extraDef: 5, skillSword: +4.
(35 points)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Havoc Blade

Attack: 56, Defense: 45, extraDef: 5, skillSword: +4.
(35 points)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Hammer of Prophecy
Attack: 56, Defense: 45, extraDef: 5, skillClub: +4.
(35 points)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Jade Hammer
Attack: 56, Defense: 45, extraDef: 5, skillClub: +4.
(35 points)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Mythril Axe
Attack: 56, Defense: 45, extraDef: 5, skillAxe: +4.
(35 points)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Impaler
Attack: 56, Defense: 45, extraDef: 5, skillAxe: +4.
(35 points)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Wand of Death
Range: 6, Type: Death, magicLevel: +1, absorbPercentPhysical: 2%, MaxHit: 145/monster.
(40 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Wand of Fire
Range: 6, Type: Fire, magicLevel: +1, absorbPercentPhysical: 2%, MaxHit: 145/monster.
(40 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Wand of Energy
Range: 6, magicLevel: +1, absorbPercentPhysical: 2%, Type: Energy, MaxHit: 145/monster.
(40 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Wand of Ice
Range: 6, magicLevel: +1, absorbPercentPhysical: 2%, Type: Ice, MaxHit: 145/monster.
(40 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Wand of Holy
Range: 6, Type: Holy, magicLevel: +1, absorbPercentPhysical: 2%, MaxHit: 205/monster.
(60 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

VIP Wand of Poison
damageVariation: 190-275(Monsters), damageType: Poison, Range/SQMs: 6, magicLevel: +2, absorbPercentPhysical: 5%, manaGain: 5/1s.
(70 points)
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

egg of the Many
skillDist: +1, skillSword: +1, skillClub: +1, skillAxe: +1, skillShield: +3, magicLevel: +1, Speed: +5%, absorbPercentIce: 10%, absorbPercentPhysical: 3%.
(Task Hydras)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Adamantium Fish
Defense: 15, skillShield: +5, absorbPercentPhysical: 5%, absorbPercentEarth: 2%, absorbPercentFire: 2%, absorbPercentIce: 2%.
(OutLand Quest)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Outland Fire Arrow
Attack: 62, maxHitChance: 100%.
(OutLand Quest)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Supreme Necklace
healthGain: +1/2s, Speed: +2%.
(OutLand Quest)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Supreme Ring
manaGain: +1/2s, Speed: +2%.
(OutLand Quest)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Outland Epiphany Sword
Attack: 53, Defense: 40, extraDef: +3, one-handed.
(OutLand Quest)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Outland Solar Axe
Attack: 53, Defense: 40, extraDef: +3, one-handed.
(OutLand Quest)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Outland Sapphire Hammer
Attack: 53, Defense: 40, extraDef: +3, one-handed.
(OutLand Quest)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Infernal Bolt
Attack: 58, maxHitChance: 90%, Infinite.
(NPC A Sweaty Cyclops)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Assassin Star
Attack: 65, Range: 4.
(NPC Atrad)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Soft Boots
healthGain: 5/2s, manaGain: 15/2s, Speed: +20%, Infinite.
(POI Quest)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

claw of 'The Noxious Spawn
absorbPercentEarth: 30%, absorbPercentHoly: 30%.

(Task Serpent Spawns)
All Races
Lv: 100+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Mithror EK Armor
Armor: 17, skillSword: +3, skillClub: +3, skillAxe: +3, skillShield: +2, absorbPercentFire: 5%, absorbPercentIce: 5%, absorbPercentPhysical: 5%, lifeADDInPlayer: +150/Life ADD, manaADDInPlayer: +80/Mana ADD.
(Mithror Quest)
Lv: 150+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Arcana EK Legs
Armor: 12, skillSword: +2, skillClub: +2, skillAxe: +2, lifeADDInPlayer: +100/Life ADD, manaADDInPlayer: +50/Mana ADD, healthGain: 3/3s, manaGain 2/3s.
(Arcana Quest)
Lv: 200+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Mithror RP Armor
Armor: 16, skillDist: +3, skillShield: +2, absorbPercentFire: 5%, absorbPercentIce: 5%, lifeADDInPlayer: +100/Life ADD, manaADDInPlayer: +100/Mana ADD.
(Mithror Quest)
Lv: 150+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Arcana RP Legs
Armor: 11, skillDist: +2, lifeADDInPlayer: +90/Life ADD, manaADDInPlayer: +80/Mana ADD, healthGain: 2/3s, manaGain 2/3s.
(Arcana Quest)
Lv: 200+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Mithror MS Armor
Armor: 14, magicLevel: +3, absorbPercentPhysical: 2%, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, absorbPercentFire: 5%, absorbPercentIce: 5%, absorbPercentEarth: 5%, lifeADDInPlayer: +80/Life ADD, manaADDInPlayer: +200/Mana ADD.
(Mithror Quest)
Lv: 150+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Arcana MS Legs
Armor: 10, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, lifeADDInPlayer: +50/Life ADD, magicLevel: +2, manaADDInPlayer: +100/Mana ADD, healthGain: 2/3s, manaGain 3/3s.
(Arcana Quest)
Lv: 200+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Mithror ED Armor
Armor: 14, magicLevel: +3, absorbPercentPhysical: 2%, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, absorbPercentFire: 5%, absorbPercentIce: 5%, absorbPercentEarth: 5%, lifeADDInPlayer: +80/Life ADD, manaADDInPlayer: +200/Mana ADD.
(Mithror Quest)
Lv: 150+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Arcana ED Legs
Armor: 10, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, lifeADDInPlayer: +50/Life ADD, magicLevel: +2, manaADDInPlayer: +100/Mana ADD, healthGain: 2/3s, manaGain 3/3s.
(Arcana Quest)
Lv: 200+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Gundabad EK Amulet
healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s, lifeADDInPlayer: +70/Life ADD, manaADDInPlayer: +35/Mana ADD, skillSword: +1, skillClub: +1, skillAxe: +1, absorbPercentEarth: +20%, absorbPercentFire: -10%.
(Gundabad Quest)
Lv: 250+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Gundabad RP Amulet
healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s, lifeADDInPlayer: +60/Life ADD, manaADDInPlayer: +50/Mana ADD, skillDist: +1, absorbPercentFire: +20%, absorbPercentEnergy: -10%.
(Gundabad Quest)
Lv: 250+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Gundabad ED Amulet
healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s, lifeADDInPlayer: +35/Life ADD, manaADDInPlayer: +70/Mana ADD, magicLevel: +2, absorbPercentEnergy: +20%, absorbPercentEarth: -10%.
(Gundabad Quest)
Lv: 250+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Gundabad MS Amulet
healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s, lifeADDInPlayer: +35/Life ADD, manaADDInPlayer: +70/Mana ADD, magicLevel: +2, absorbPercentFire: +20%, absorbPercentIce: -10%.
(Gundabad Quest)
Lv: 250+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Gundabad Ring
healthGain: 3/2s, manaGain: 4/2s.
(Gundabad Quest)
All Races
Lv: 250+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Mithror Mage Ring
healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s.
(Mithror Quest)
Lv: 150+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Arcana Ring
healthGain: 2/2s, manaGain: 1/2s.
(Arcana Quest)
Lv: 200+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Gundabad Fortress
Defense: 18, skillShield: +8, healthGain: 3/2s, manaGain: 4/2s, magicLevel: +1.
(Gundabad Quest)
All Races
Lv: 250+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Spectre Gorgonas
skillShield: +5, Speed: + 10%, magicLevel: +1, healthGain: 2/2s, manaGain: 3/2s.
(Task Medusas)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Demon Legs
Armor: 9, absorbPercentFire: 5%, manaGain: 2/1s, Speed: +5%.
(Demon Oak Quest)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Rainbow Shield
Defense: 30, absorbPercentDeath: 4%, healthGain: 1/3s, manaGain: 2/3s, magicLevel: +4.
(DemonOak Quest)
Lv: 100+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Dragon Scale Legs
Armor: 10, absorbPercentEarth: 5%, Speed: +5%, manaGain: 2/1s.
(OutLand Quest)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Old Necklace
absorbPercentDeath: 9%, absorbPercentFire: 9%, absorbPercentIce: 9%, absorbPercentEarth: 9%, absorbPercentEnergy: 9%, Speed: +5%.
(Task Grim Reapers)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Fury Fire
Speed: +10%, manaGain 2/1s, absorbPercentFire, 30%, absorbPercentIce, -15%, skillShield: +7, magicLevel, +1, Light Area.
(Task Furys)
All Races
Lv: 200+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Tribal Amulet
manaGain: 10/2s, absorbPercentIce: 15%, absorbPercentEarth: 10%, manaADDInPlayer: +35.
(Task Nightmares)
All Races
Lv: 200+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Rare Serpent
healthGain: 5/2s, manaADDInPlayer: +25, absorbPercentEnergy: 10%, absorbPercentPoison: 20%, absorbPercentDeath: 2%, absorbPercentPhysical: 4%, Slot: Ring
(Task Lizards)
All Races
Lv: 200+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Emerald Ring
healthGain: 2/2s, absorbPercentPhysical: 12%, ADDCAPacitypoints: +600, Slot: Ring
(Task Fury of Venom)
All Races
Lv: 200+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Special Bottle
ADD 30 minutes of stamina and Full Food for 24 horas... Infinite item and can only be used every 24 hours.
(Task Western Nightstalker)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Undead Amulet
absorbPercentDeath: 13%, absorbPercentHoly: 9%
ADDCAPacitypoints: +350.
(Task Western Undeads)
All Races
Lv: 250+
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

EXP Double Pro
ADD 1 hour of Double EXP.
(Task Warlocks)
All Races
Lv: 8+

- O item da 1 hora de EXP dobrada.
- O item só pode ser usado com stamina abaixo de 40 horas.
- O Item só pode ser usado 1x por 24 horas
- O player só pode utilizar outro item após 24 horas.
- Após as 24 horas o item tem que ser recarregado.
- Para recarregar o item custa 3.5KK ou 45 Kaldrox Coins.
- Você recarrega o item no NPC Regenerator.
- O NPC fica localizado no deserto de Ankrahmun.
- hi, regeneration, gold coins, yes
- hi, regeneration, kaldrox coins, yes
Item: Attributes: Allowed use:

Bag Task
containerSize: 28/slots, ADDCAPacitypoints: +1000.
(Task Juggernauts)
All Races
Lv: 8+
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players Online
Top Experience
1- Ogromax
1503, Royal Paladin
2- Not Like Us
495, Elder Druid
3- Rufus Da Motta
491, Royal Paladin
4- Suprazilla
486, Royal Paladin
5- Luvsice
480, Master Sorcerer

Top Frags
1- Caixa Baixa
1 3071, Frags
2- Rushw
2587, Frags
3- Lidera Full Odiado
2546, Frags
Top Balance ($)
1- Ogromax
1$ 18.574.980.550 Golds
2- Alakazam
$ 7.968.623.069 Golds
3- Madam Rose
$ 6.942.605.126 Golds

Top Outfits
1- Xadet
147, Outfits
2- Macumbeiro
44, Outfits
3- Trevinha
33, Outfits
Top Mounts
1- Macumbeiro
144, Mounts
2- Xadet
33, Mounts
3- Rufus Da Motta
23, Mounts