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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:Wall of the Pocos Pero Locos
Frags:Killed 107 players
Last login:27 March 2025, 8:37 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 15%
Tasks: 00%

24 Mar 2025, 23:30 Killed at level 306 by Dazzler, Skullmaster, Tua Mae, Juanbarzerah, Jisjaisjiojoos, Machin Da Mamae, Lilo Stitch, Koringa Loko, Knight Fire, Davi Oprime Kingjr, Chiloca Yna, The Eminence, Leonsita, Tooys, Heartless Jan, Call Errada, Alakazam, Jaguarex Fullywar and by Barack Eagly Thais.
24 Mar 2025, 23:25 Killed at level 307 by Tua Mae, Rusha No Sio, Burpee, Jisjaisjiojoos, Spritee, Lilo Stitch, Dono Da Prision, Opressorysz, Koringa Loko, Chiloca Yna, Amortecedores, Raiiden, The Eminence, Barack Eagly Thais, Lkzinho, Romyas, Antonelli, Choque Total, Druid Alone and by Mossad.
24 Mar 2025, 23:23 Killed at level 307 by Romyas, Zajkra, Antonelli, Jisjaisjiojoos, Koringa Loko, Lilo Stitch, Juanbarzerah, The Eminence, Machin Da Mamae, Tooys, Tua Mae, Raiiden, Mcz Acioli, Rusha No Sio, Dazzler, Spritee, Chiloca Yna, Druid Alone and by Sebas King.
24 Mar 2025, 23:13 Killed at level 308 by Haakon, Machin Da Mamae, El Arabe, Mailon, Lilo Stitch, Ahlan, Wicked, Ryan Sales, Mcz Acioli, Adony Style, Intact Mage, Druid Alone, Rusha No Sio, Choque Total, Call Errada and by Barack Eagly Thais.
24 Mar 2025, 23:09 Killed at level 309 by The Eminence, Skullmaster, Orisa, Vulgo Luciano, Antonelli, Lilo Stitch, Burpee, Raiiden, Navi Dota, Sebas King, Opressorysz, Machin Da Mamae, Jisjaisjiojoos, Hot Hot, Davi Oprime Kingjr and by Tinker.
24 Mar 2025, 23:07 Killed at level 309 by Mailon, Davi Oprime Kingjr, Druid Alone, Romyas, Opressorysz, Spritee, Chiloca Yna, Koringa Loko, Ryan Sales, Antonelli, Lilo Stitch, Corseru, Vulgo Luciano, Barack Eagly Thais, Lkzinho, Bargolinhas, Ramsoex, The Eminence, Juanbarzerah, Haakon, Tinker, Mossad and by Raiiden.
24 Mar 2025, 23:05 Killed at level 310 by Dono Da Prision, Ryan Sales, Jisjaisjiojoos, Orisa, Dazzler, Ramsoex, Koringa Loko, Barack Eagly Thais, Romyas, Jaguarex Fullywar, Spritee, Raiiden, Davi Oprime Kingjr, Arroz Con Pollo, Ahlan, Vulgo Luciano, Lilo Stitch, Opressorysz, Bargolinhas, Druid Alone, Haakon, Antonelli, Lkzinho, Sebas King and by Burpee.
24 Mar 2025, 23:04 Killed at level 310 by Romyas, Ramsoex, Orisa, Opressorysz, Rusha No Sio, Sin Tren, Leonsita, Dono Da Prision, Dazzler, Burpee, Mailon, Chiloca Yna, Lilo Stitch, Navi Dota and by Davi Oprime Kingjr.
24 Mar 2025, 23:02 Killed at level 311 by Chiloca Yna, Romyas, Tooys, Ramsoex, Antonelli, Billie Eishe, Dono Da Prision, Burpee, Dazzler, Koringa Loko, Orisa, The Eminence, Skullmaster, Lilo Stitch, Juanbarzerah, Ryan Sales, Juniinnho, Tereteuteu, Amortecedores, Sebas King, Navi Dota and by Sin Tren.
24 Mar 2025, 22:58 Killed at level 312 by Dono Da Prision, Lilo Stitch, The Eminence, Spritee, Romyas, Ryan Sales, Ramsoex, Juniinnho, Koringa Loko, Antonelli, Tooys, Raiiden, Jisjaisjiojoos, Corseru, Skullmaster, Jaguarex Fullywar, Rusha No Sio, Juanbarzerah, Arko Peligroso, Lkzinho, Dazzler and by Navi Dota.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Record of Daily Experiences
EXP Today
not gain exp (Monster Experiences)
+2.467.077 (Monster Experiences)
+12.856.856 (Monster Experiences)
+7.979.941 (Monster Experiences)
-62.785.464 (Monster Experiences)
-5.834.729 (Monster Experiences)
-17.029.180 (Monster Experiences)
-2.895.333 (Monster Experiences)

General Experience Records Graph

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Top Experience
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1503, Royal Paladin
2- Not Like Us
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4- Suprazilla
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5- Luvsice
480, Master Sorcerer

Top Frags
1- Caixa Baixa
1 3071, Frags
2- Rushw
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3- Lidera Full Odiado
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Top Balance ($)
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1$ 18.574.980.550 Golds
2- Alakazam
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Top Outfits
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2- Macumbeiro
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3- Trevinha
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Top Mounts
1- Macumbeiro
144, Mounts
2- Xadet
33, Mounts
3- Rufus Da Motta
23, Mounts