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Character Information
Profession:Master Sorcerer
Marital status:single
Frags:Killed 548 players
Last login:2 November 2024, 12:01 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 05%
Tasks: 02%

26 Sep 2024, 22:56 Killed at level 228 by Nero Rushaeasy, Dorothy Unsworth, Jaguarex Xvideos, Diverzo Legends, Syckess Angustiia, Dua Lipaa, Strong Machine, Sincero, Alan Delon, Nachito Stylee, Ramzsik, Don Starko, Carloskyx, Nikoxx, Tostado and by Porkysitu.
26 Sep 2024, 22:47 Killed at level 228 by Dorothy Unsworth, Strong Machine, Diverzo Legends, Dua Lipaa, Dodek, Nero Rushaeasy, Jayzinho, Jaguarex Xvideos, Tostado, Nachito Stylee, Don Starko, Ramzsik, Syckess Angustiia, Porkysitu, Maldadeextrema and by Carloskyx.
26 Sep 2024, 22:40 Killed at level 228 by Jayzinho, Dementeh, Jaguarex Xvideos, Ramzsik, Nachito Stylee, Porkysitu, Don Starko, Nikoxx, Carloskyx, Syckess Angustiia, Sincero, Nero Rushaeasy, Dodek, Maldadeextrema and by Bronkszcire.
26 Sep 2024, 22:31 Killed at level 228 by Dementeh, Nero Rushaeasy, Jayzinho, Don Starko, Nikoxx, Jaguarex Xvideos, Ramzsik, Diverzo Legends, Dodek, Porkysitu, Strong Machine, Deko, Sincero, Syckess Angustiia, Dunkyzao and by Maldadeextrema.
26 Sep 2024, 22:22 Killed at level 228 by Sincero, Syckess Angustiia, Ramzsik, Dorothy Unsworth, Dodek, Jayzinho, Deko, Porkysitu, Don Starko, Nikoxx, Diverzo Legends, King Pralyzer, Nero Rushaeasy, Dementeh and by Maldadeextrema.
26 Sep 2024, 22:21 Killed at level 228 by Ramzsik, Dementeh, Syckess Angustiia, Nero Rushaeasy, Porkysitu, Jaguarex Xvideos, Dorothy Unsworth, Diverzo Legends, Deko, Nikoxx, Jayzinho, Dua Lipaa, King Pralyzer and by Don Starko.
25 Sep 2024, 22:58 Killed at level 228 by El Pynche Walked, Mr Vogel, Prince Foekziio, Sert Turk, Blazekzs, Tigre Tony, Nerd Din, Pezewiwko Wfeyekim, Tribilin Pedofilo, Zayner, Sir Zeuzz, Yankzie, Og Low and by Beznakazannyy Bog.
25 Sep 2024, 22:52 Killed at level 229 by El Pynche Walked, Beznakazannyy Bog, Yankzie, Blazekzs, Bistek, Tribilin Pedofilo, Anabella Iloveyou, Prince Foekziio, Najik Sum, Og Low, Likec Evil, Alan Delon, Tigre Tony, Sert Turk, Latuz Lovebigass, Sir Zeuzz, Maldadeextrema, Estelio Nato and by Fimozinhaarrebenta.
25 Sep 2024, 22:47 Killed at level 229 by Chris Bumstead, Tigre Tony, Beznakazannyy Bog, Sir Zeuzz, Tribilin Pedofilo, Sharakata, Latuz Lovebigass, Najik Sum, Baiakzik, Anabella Iloveyou, Prince Foekziio, El Pynche Walked, Sert Turk, Likec Evil, Bistek, Estelio Nato, Skull Wislley Dead and by Leonsita.
24 Sep 2024, 23:34 Killed at level 229 by Babylon, Corsero, Reaparicion, Farop The King, Ruzic, Gamboa, Davizerah, Cacao, Fukuda San, Asdghjlk, Task Maker, Quentine Fastersio, Zayon Mitos, Word Two, Super Energy, Baiakzik, Zeal Daenor, Natelinho, Xeros, Mala Fama, Bronkszcire and by Heal Black.

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