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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:Member of the TNC
Frags:Killed 269 players
Last login:3 February 2025, 9:36 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 00%
Tasks: 00%

7 Nov 2024, 22:42 Killed at level 255 by Guilherme Azevedo, Kamikasze Ninja, Alibaba Why Strong, Mdma, Mxciel Kamikaze, Dizinho, Jarqquiin, Cade Chinelo, Flat Earth, Pedro Julio, Krueger Dead, Xalotte, Krueger Poison, King Prophets and by Rushw.
7 Nov 2024, 22:40 Killed at level 255 by Mxciel Kamikaze, Ek Kamikaze, Flat Earth, Guilherme Azevedo, Rushw, Manejito, Dizinho, Alibaba Why Strong, Mdma, Lidera Full Odiado, Pedro Julio, Cade Chinelo, Caixa Baixa, Kamikasze Ninja, King Prophets, Torgo and by Krueger Poison.
7 Nov 2024, 22:36 Killed at level 255 by Krueger Dead, Skewed, Kamikasze Ninja, Lidera Full Odiado, Dizinho, Aleatory, Torgo, Ek Kamikaze, Alibaba Why Strong, Paita Chato, Caixa Baixa, Guilherme Azevedo, Mxciel Kamikaze, Rushw, Manejito, Xalotte, King Prophets and by Krumsig.
7 Nov 2024, 22:36 Killed at level 255 by Alibaba Why Strong, Mxciel Kamikaze, Flat Earth, Skewed, Dizinho, Kamikasze Ninja, Ek Kamikaze, Pedro Julio, Paita Chato, Krueger Dead, Aleatory, King Prophets, Guilherme Azevedo, Torgo, Rushw, Manejito and by Flp Camisadez.
7 Nov 2024, 22:35 Killed at level 255 by Guilherme Azevedo, Mxciel Kamikaze, Caixa Baixa, Lidera Full Odiado, Aleatory, Paita Chato, Kamikasze Ninja, Rushw, Alibaba Why Strong, Xalotte, Flat Earth, Krueger Dead, Dizinho, Cesinha Deboxado, Pedro Julio and by Krumsig.
7 Nov 2024, 22:33 Killed at level 255 by Flat Earth, Alibaba Why Strong, Guilherme Azevedo, King Prophets, Aleatory, Mxciel Kamikaze, Dizinho, Unstoppable King, Krueger Dead, Manejito, Paita Chato, Mdma, Lidera Full Odiado, Amanco Vei, Xalotte, Kamikasze Ninja, Caixa Baixa, Krumsig, Unstoppable Bradock and by Xexagg Oldtimes.
7 Nov 2024, 22:30 Killed at level 255 by Flat Earth, Torgo, Ek Kamikaze, Alibaba Why Strong, Mxciel Kamikaze, Skewed, Guilherme Azevedo, Cade Chinelo, Xalotte, Kamikasze Ninja, Mdma, Krueger Poison, Jarqquiin, Aleatory, Lidera Full Odiado, Manejito, Dizinho and by Humilha Novato.
7 Nov 2024, 22:27 Killed at level 256 by Ek Kamikaze, Mxciel Kamikaze, Lidera Full Odiado, Dizinho, Alibaba Why Strong, Cade Chinelo, Krueger Poison, Rushw, Paita Chato, Unstoppable Bradock, Mdma and by Jarqquiin.
7 Nov 2024, 22:24 Killed at level 256 by King Prophets, Lidera Full Odiado, Alibaba Why Strong, Dizinho, Mxciel Kamikaze, Guilherme Azevedo, Paita Chato, Xalotte, Caixa Baixa, Aleatory, Pedro Julio, Manejito, Rushw, Krueger Dead, Jarqquiin, Skewed and by Torgo.
7 Nov 2024, 22:23 Killed at level 256 by King Prophets, Ek Kamikaze, Xalotte, Caixa Baixa, Pedro Julio, Mxciel Kamikaze, Dizinho, Guilherme Azevedo, Jarqquiin, Krueger Dead, Rushw, Paita Chato, Cade Chinelo, Aleatory, Torgo, Kamikasze Ninja, Skewed, Manejito and by Alibaba Why Strong.

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Account Information
Real Name:. .
Created:30 September 2024, 7:52 am
Vip Status:VIP Account

1. KrumsigKaldrox

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