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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:TROPA DO CANGACO of the Novo Cangaco
Frags:Killed 34 players
Last login:25 October 2024, 5:20 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 11.970.000 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 15%
Tasks: 04%

23 Oct 2024, 21:59 Killed at level 228 by Comedor De Cuzinho, Vitinho Poolparty, Besta Fera, The Wsspport Jjey, Chrupek, Nairobi, Thucky Tharua, Ave Maria, Dolfo Foradalei, Pavel Vilgefortz, Cillian Murphy, a medusa, Nordeste Eoterror, Mc Magall, Tamec Papai, Alce Barbudo, Iago Awesome, Notres Nocuzim and by hydra.
23 Oct 2024, 21:58 Killed at level 228 by Alce Barbudo, Dolfo Foradalei, Mc Magall, Besta Fera, Ave Maria, The Wsspport Jjey, Mestre Do Desastre, Iago Awesome, Tamec Papai, Chrupek, Pavel Vilgefortz, Vitinho Poolparty, Luna, Vendedor De Iptv, Nairobi, Notres Nocuzim and by Nordeste Eoterror.
23 Oct 2024, 21:57 Killed at level 229 by Notres Nocuzim, Tamec Papai, Pavel Vilgefortz, Vitinho Poolparty, Doku, Iago Awesome, Chrupek, Ph Tripa Seca, The Wsspport Jjey, Dolfo Foradalei, Nairobi, Mestre Do Desastre, Joker Netdown, Nordeste Eoterror, Besta Fera, Barack The Thais, Xadet and by Mc Magall.
23 Oct 2024, 21:49 Killed at level 230 by Happiness, Pogramcf, Flp Camisadez, Antetokounmpo, Fim Do Mundo, Unstoppable Braith, Schwarzkopf, Wsuayzi, Nunao Pokasideia, Unstoppable Coveiro and by Ynek.
23 Oct 2024, 21:46 Killed at level 230 by Orient, Fim Do Mundo, Nunao Pokasideia, Barack The Thais, Pogramcf, Tribilin, Notres Nocuzim, Niiwf Razzor, Unstoppable King, Ave Maria, Dolfo Foradalei, Bem De Mais, Xadet, Happiness, Vitinho Poolparty, The Wsspport Jjey, Doku, Antetokounmpo, Barbara Wawrzeniec and by Sd Dal Paz.
23 Oct 2024, 21:42 Killed at level 231 by Unstoppable Coveiro, Happiness, Fim Do Mundo, Hell Skull, Schwarzkopf, Niiwf Razzor, Wsuayzi, Amanco Vei, Nunao Pokasideia, Mago Do Gelo, Flp Camisadez, Pogramcf, Unstoppable Braith, Orient and by Ynek.
23 Oct 2024, 21:40 Killed at level 232 by Iago Awesome, Tamec Papai, Shunttz, Bem De Mais, Mestre Do Desastre, Joker Netdown, Vitinho Poolparty, Luna, Barack The Thais, Vendedor De Iptv, Dolfo Foradalei, Nordeste Eoterror, Nairobi, The Wsspport Jjey, Mc Magall and by Barbara Wawrzeniec.
23 Oct 2024, 21:30 Killed at level 232 by Ave Maria, Doku, The Wsspport Jjey, Fim Do Mundo, Vendedor De Iptv, Flp Camisadez, Amanco Vei, Pavel Vilgefortz, Iago Awesome, Vitinho Poolparty, Bielzina, Hell Skull, Dolfo Foradalei, Rodzera War, Nunao Pokasideia, Nespresso, Zeca Urubu, Dudu Mago Louco, Ph Tripa Seca, Vulks Icewood, Nordeste Eoterror, Mc Magall, Nairobi and by Barack The Thais.
23 Oct 2024, 21:27 Killed at level 233 by Schwarzkopf, Fim Do Mundo, Sweetheart, Hell Skull, Mago Do Gelo, Niiwf Razzor, Orient, Unstoppable Mxxc, Flp Camisadez and by Cillian Murphy.
23 Oct 2024, 18:44 Died at level 233 by frost flower asura, a midnight asura and by dawnfire asura.

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Top Experience
1- Ogromax
1506, Royal Paladin
2- Not Like Us
499, Elder Druid
3- Rufus Da Motta
494, Royal Paladin
4- Dazzler Traidor
487, Royal Paladin
5- Ashburn
482, Elder Druid

Top Frags
1- Caixa Baixa
1 3071, Frags
2- Rushw
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3- Lidera Full Odiado
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Top Balance ($)
1- Ogrito
1$ 17.803.585.868 Golds
2- Macumbeiro
$ 16.572.783.195 Golds
3- Alakazam
$ 9.197.689.243 Golds

Top Outfits
1- Xadet
147, Outfits
2- Macumbeiro
44, Outfits
3- Trevinha
33, Outfits
Top Mounts
1- Macumbeiro
144, Mounts
2- Xadet
33, Mounts
3- Rufus Da Motta
23, Mounts