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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Frags:Killed 548 players
Last login:26 December 2024, 1:42 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 2.454.570 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 10%
Tasks: 00%

4 Dec 2024, 00:06 Killed at level 257 by Kendo Kaponii, Lou Fresco, Gatuno, Jota, Taz Mania, Xexagg Opressorzy, Koringa Original, Pogramce, Ronalldiinho, Helios, Gorilla Zord, Lamine, Unstoppable Braith, Foxxes, Paladino Seis, Rodzera Procura, The Wsspport Kwin, Korsain, Sintese Sombria, Lajeado Novo, Sell Script, Luizao Pvpcaminhao and by Xena.
4 Dec 2024, 00:01 Killed at level 258 by Xexagg Opressorzy, Lajeado Novo, Angiim Dellasz, Jota, Gorilla Zord, Koringa Original, Pogramce, Ronalldiinho, Doctorzera, Helios, Malako Push, Incanus, Gatuno, Taz Mania, Chiloca Yna, Unstoppable Mxxc, Dr Mojje, Poatan, Sell Script, Unstoppable Braith, Cesinha Deboxado, Rod Kina, Xena, Rodzera Procura and by Sintese Sombria.
3 Dec 2024, 23:59 Killed at level 259 by Amanco Vei, Mathausen, Carbenet Franc, Paladino Seis, Chiloca Yna, Sintese Sombria, Unstoppable Mxxc, Gorilla Zord, Xexagg Opressorzy, Angiim Dellasz, Jota, Rodzera Procura, Pogramce, Orient Powerabuser, Patiito Old, Ronalldiinho, Air Fryer, Lajeado Novo, The Wsspport Kwin, Unstoppable Braith, Tio Sam Eua, Foxxes, Push And Wall, Rod Kina, Doctorzera and by Luizao Pvpcaminhao.
22 Nov 2024, 23:23 Killed at level 259 by Unstoppable Coveiro, Lypezerah, Manejito, Avanzzi, Leooxd, Desprovido De Qi, Otario, Taco Especial, Dazzler Casado, Unstoppable Braith, Unstoppable Alone, Radrixx, Seicon, Selassie, Maseo Yamashiro, Xexagg Opressor, Vulgo Luciano, Davizerah, Seellings, Mim Chupa, Djairzk and by Dono Da Prision.
22 Nov 2024, 23:19 Killed at level 260 by Desprovido De Qi, The Lost, Cromo Vanadio, Lypezerah, Maseo Yamashiro, Leooxd, Gatuno, Vikingzord, Xexagg Opressor, Beyrin Agi Ota, Dono Da Prision, Rod Kina, Avanzzi, Mago Sophzs, Unstoppable Convicto, Fluo Cardent, Davizerah, Nespresso, Manejito, Patriarca, Droguiita, Unstoppable Braith, Djairzk, Seicon, Ervinha Siohempp, Radrixx and by Knight Ssa.
22 Nov 2024, 23:05 Killed at level 261 by Xexagg Opressor, Patriarca, Vulgo Luciano, Ervinha Siohempp, Koringa Original, Medina Offshore, Djairzk, Otario, Maseo Yamashiro, Leooxd, Seicon, Unstoppable Alone, Biggubb, Seellings, Selassie, Avanzzi, Gatuno, Rod Kina and by Well Safadao.
22 Nov 2024, 23:01 Killed at level 261 by Fulton Catholic, Rod Kina, Rodzera War, Leooxd, Vulgo Luciano, Koringa Original, Patriarca, Mim Chupa, Desprovido De Qi, Dazzler Casado, Gatuno, Vikingzord, Unstoppable Braith, Djairzk, Otario, Mago Sophzs, Fluo Cardent, Ervinha Siohempp, Iraq, Nespresso and by Mage Lee.
22 Nov 2024, 22:48 Killed at level 262 by Rod Kina, Ervinha Siohempp, Otario, Gatuno, Vikingzord, Vulgo Luciano, Unstoppable Convicto, Manejito, Medina Offshore, Unstoppable Braith, Patriarca, Ahlan, Xexagg Opressor, Dazzler Casado, Rodzera War, Mago Sophzs, Beyrin Agi Ota, Selassie, The Lost, Davizerah and by Biggubb.
22 Nov 2024, 22:45 Killed at level 263 by Rod Kina, Gatuno, Cromo Vanadio, Leooxd, Vulgo Luciano, Seellings, Ahlan, Vikingzord, Xnhodiejd, Obs Gugagostosao, Rodzera War, Manejito, Selassie, Patriarca, Iraq, Unstoppable Braith, Articvllum, Unstoppable Alone, Medina Offshore, Unstoppable Convicto and by Otario.
22 Nov 2024, 22:43 Killed at level 264 by Desprovido De Qi, Vulgo Luciano, Perry Warr, Xexagg Opressor, Gatuno, Unstoppable Alone, Beyrin Agi Ota, Selassie, Rodzera War, Xnhodiejd, Guama, Maseo Yamashiro, The Lost, Lypezerah, Obs Gugagostosao, Patriarca, Barack Love Thais, Mage Lee, Paladino Seis, Vikingzord, Otario, Medina Offshore, Nespresso, Psychiatryczny, Thomas, Avanzzi, Davizerah, Maguiin Shoow, Mago Sophzs, Unstoppable Convicto and by Dazzler Casado.

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