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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Frags:Killed 130 players
Last login:23 October 2024, 11:34 am
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 998.800 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 05%
Tasks: 00%

22 Oct 2024, 21:05 Killed at level 240 by Lamine, Machuca Papa, Vinitinho, Maregazika, Mr Koka, Pepeta, Hora Do Rush, Sell Script, Luisitoxd, Unstoppable Jade, Yhpviftr Qxwyih, Shanckay Baladz, Highlights, Wadaweu, Gormiti, Tenis and by Knight Ssa.
19 Oct 2024, 11:37 Died at level 229 by quarpredator, Xerian, Tanka Prakaralho, a sea serpent and by quarpincher.
16 Oct 2024, 19:58 Killed at level 223 by Bolamaaisum, Royal Caps Lock, Dazzler, Jobs Script Cave, Sonata, Crashzor Dashow, Churumelacaramelo, Barack The Thais, Chiloca Yna, Spritee, Serafaah, a giant spider, a wyvern, a tarantula and by Darkness Ohx.
15 Oct 2024, 21:04 Killed at level 224 by Rush Maniaco, Besta Fera, Ave Maria, Seellings, Batman, Leozinho Supremo, Dazzler, Doex Waza, Dr Mojje, Peixoto Netdown, Distraido, Colapso Trintaseis, Darkness Ohx and by Moon.
15 Oct 2024, 20:57 Killed at level 224 by Macena, Unstoppable Bradock, Jacutinga, Hell Skull, Itpygea Sedea, Fulton Catholic, Amanco Vei, Flp Camisadez, Tunning Druid and by Unstoppable Mxxc.
15 Oct 2024, 20:56 Killed at level 225 by Eminem, Fim Do Mundo, Itpygea Sedea, Md Svenska, Unstoppable Bradock, Hell Skull, Xexagg Oldtimes, Highlights, Jacutinga, Flp Camisadez, Amanco Vei, Tenis, Rummenigge, Fulton Catholic and by Colaps Cinquensete.
15 Oct 2024, 20:51 Killed at level 226 by Seellings, Fim Do Mundo, Ave Maria, Md Svenska, Unstoppable Mxxc, Iago Awesome, Rummenigge, Syllakuss, Make Nove, Tunning Druid, Dr Mojje, Dazzler, Xexagg Oldtimes, Unstoppable King, Brock Lesnar, Elder Knight, Nowosc, Besta Fera, Ronaldinho Gaucho, Highlights, Yfc Thug Life and by Mejor Amigo.
15 Oct 2024, 19:55 Killed at level 227 by Setux Easyy Win, Leozinho Supremo, Batman, Shunttz, Besta Fera, Morphinex, Dazzler, Peixoto Netdown, Victor Ownage, Notres Nocuzim, Rush Maniaco, Armored Giant, Doex Waza and by giant spider.
14 Oct 2024, 20:26 Killed at level 227 by Pipe Dashow, Dazzler, Joker Netdown, Darkness Ohx, Seellings, Moon, Confusao Total and by Azinhow Tearromba.
14 Oct 2024, 20:12 Killed at level 228 by Not Like Us, Mejor Amigo, Crash Oprimefull, Dazzler, Navi Ed Um, Shunttz, Serafaah, Banana Og, Eai Dog, Confusao Total, Batman, Rugal, Darkness Ohx, Sipuada, Brock Lesnar, Joker Netdown, Wladymir Putin, Malako Push and by Jobs Script Cave.

Frags List
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Record of Daily Experiences
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not gain exp (Monster Experiences)
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not gain exp (Monster Experiences)
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Account Information
Real Name:A A
Created:28 September 2024, 6:46 pm
Vip Status:VIP Account

1. ComecudecuriosoKaldrox

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