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Character Information
Name:Cade Chinelo
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Frags:Killed 2477 players
Last login:19 November 2024, 8:24 am
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 15%
Tasks: 06%

10 Nov 2024, 14:35 Died at level 297 by infernalist, a dragon lord, a Fire Elemental, a Fire Elemental, a Fire Elemental and by Fire Elemental.
7 Nov 2024, 22:31 Killed at level 294 by Xexagg Oldtimes, Unstoppable King, Humilha Novato, Torgo, Jacutinga, Unstoppable Hrmno, Najik Sum, Flp Camisadez, Xnhodiejd, Unstoppable Sneijder, Cesinha Deboxado, Jota, Rodzera War, Cade Chinelo, Patriarca, Rushw and by Krumsig.
6 Nov 2024, 13:07 Died at level 293 by draken spellweaver, a draken warmaster and by lizard high guard.
5 Nov 2024, 23:27 Killed at level 293 by El Pynche Walked, Perryn, Mathausen, Weroek, Chris Bumstead, Mr Vogel, Prince Foekziio, Prince Nimet, Bistek, Tribilin Pedofilo, Kyshow Mzt, Ramzsik, Saymoxtv, Weroskyy, Pedro Julio, Flat Earth and by Sanemi.
5 Nov 2024, 22:56 Killed at level 293 by Lamole Jr, Saymoxtv, Tribilin Pedofilo, Iceman, Pezewiwko Wfeyekim, Chris Bumstead, Mathausen, Weroskyy, Elkiko, Prince Ackor, Kyshow Mzt, Prince Yeiner, Perryn, Mr Vogel, Prince Nimet, Bistek, Leonsita and by Torgo.
4 Nov 2024, 23:25 Killed at level 291 by Tokurando, Mejor Amigo, Amanco Vei, Krumsig, Vps Full, Unstoppable Britto, Rodzera Procura, Cesinha Deboxado, Rusha No Sio, Latuz Lovebigass, Humilha Novato, Saci Ajato, Kahilda, Unstoppable Alone, Ek Kamikaze, Cade Chinelo, Maconheiro Tree and by Alibaba Why Strong.
4 Nov 2024, 22:54 Killed at level 291 by Mago Do Gelo, Mejor Amigo, Unstoppable Sneijder, Druid Wap, Patriarca, Kahilda, Saci Ajato, Latuz Lovebigass, Krumsig, Cesinha Deboxado, Bolamaisums, Cade Chinelo, Dizinho, Obbly Al Kaida, Lidera Full Odiado and by Unstoppable Mxxc.
4 Nov 2024, 22:40 Killed at level 292 by Najik Sum, Jacutinga, Druid Wap, Humilha Novato, Tokurando, Rodzera Procura, Latuz Lovebigass, Cesinha Deboxado, Krumsig, Saci Ajato, Patriarca, Unstoppable Sneijder, Mayday, Mago Do Gelo, Cade Chinelo and by Vps Full.
30 Oct 2024, 15:06 Died at level 286 by draken spellweaver and by draken warmaster.
29 Oct 2024, 00:05 Killed at level 284 by Kyshow Mzt, Chuchee Cruz, Perryn, Prince Foekziio, Saymoxtv, Tribilin Pedofilo, Pezewiwko Wfeyekim, Druid Wap, Latuz Lovebigass, Elkiko, Natanael Cano, Raagnarokbrook, Ai Thogo, Articvllum, Prince Nimet, Cade Chinelo, Rushw, Prince Yeiner and by Ultimo Recurso.

Frags List
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Record of Daily Experiences
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Account Information
Real Name:Lava Lord
Created:16 August 2024, 10:41 am
Vip Status:VIP Account

1. Cade ChineloKaldrox

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