Contentbox headline

Spool of Yarns - Addons
Level: 20+
Acesso: FREE (Liberty Bay / Meriana)
Duração de 5 minutos.
- 1 Spool of Yarns (Addon Item)

Crystal Key [Key 3700]-[Key da Poi] Necromant House Key
Level: 20+
Acesso: FREE (POH)
Duração de 5 minutos.
- 1 Crystal Key ([Key 3700]-[Key da Poi] Necromant House Key)

Bright Sword Quest
Level: 30+
Acesso: FREE (POH)
Duração de 30 minutos.
- 1 Bright Sword (Atk:36, Def:30 +1)
- 1 Red Gem

Ceiron's Wolf Tooth Chain Quest [Druid Addon] |_Orc Fortress Quest_|
Level: 40+
Acesso: FREE (Orc Fortress)
Quest com duração de 15 minutos dependendo do Time.
- 1 Ceiron's Wolf Tooth Chain (Item Addon)
- 1 Knight Armor (Arm:12)
- 1 Fire Sword (Atk:24 physical + 11 fire, Def:20 +1)
- 1 Knight Axe (Atk:33, Def:21 +1)

Koshei The Deathless Quest | Blue Legs Quest
Level: 40+
Acesso: FREE (Darashia / Ankrahmun)
Quest com duração de 30 minutos dependendo do Time.
Ficar com:
- 1 Koshei's Ancient Amulet (protection holy -50%, death +8%)
- 1 Blue Legs (Arm:8)
- 50 Platinum Coins

Damaged Steel Helmet Quest - Knight Addon
Level: 50+
Acesso: FREE (Port Hope / Banuta)
Quest com duração de 20 minutos.
- 1 Damaged Steel Helmet (Addon Item)

Elane's Crossbow Quest - Hunter Addon
Level: 50+
Acesso: FREE (Liberty Bay)
Quest com duração de 20 minutos.
- 1 Elane's Crossbow (Addon Item)

Coral Comb Quest - Oriental Addon
Level: 50+
Acesso: FREE (Liberty Bay / Calassa)
Quest com duração de 20 minutos.
- 1 Coral Comb (Addon Item)

Banshee Quest
Level: 60+
Acesso: FREE (Carlin)
Quest com duração de 25 minutos dependendo do Time.
- 1 Boots of Haste (speed +20)
- 1 Giant Sword (Atk:46, Def:22) Two-handed
- 1 Tower Shield (Def:32)
- 1 Stealth Ring (Invisible)
- 1 Stone Skin Amulet (protection physical +50%, death +50%)
- 10 Platinum Coins

Simon the Beggar's favorite staff Quest [Beggar Addon] |_Vampire Shield Quest_|
Level: 70+
Acesso: FREE (Edron)
Quest com duração de 20 minutos.
- 1 Simon the Beggar's Favorite Staff (Addon Item)
- 1 Vampire Shield (Def:34)
- 1 Dragon Lance (Atk:47, Def:16)

Dwarven Set Quest
Level: 80+
Acesso: FREE (Yalahar / Fenrock)
Quest com duração de 40 minutos.
- 1 Dwarven Armor (Arm:10, protection physical +5%)
- 1 Dwarven Legs (Arm:7, protection physical +3%)

The Pits of Inferno [POI - Quest]
Level: 80+
Acesso: FREE (POH)
Quest com duração de 2 horas.
Escolher entre:
- 1 Arbalest (Range:6, Atk +2, Hit% +2)
- 1 Arcane Staff (Atk:50, Def:30)
- 1 Avenger (Atk:50, Def:38)
- 1 Backpack of Holding (Vol:24)
- 1 Stuffed Dragon (Item de decoração)
- 10 Platinum Coins
- 1 Soft Boots (healthGain: 10/2s, manaGain: 20/2s, Speed: +20%, Infinite)

WOTE Quest
Level: 80+
Acesso: FREE ([Cormaya]NPC Gurbasch, hi, farmine, yes) ou (NPC VIP de barco, hi, zao, yes)
Quest com duração de 40 minutos dependendo do Time.
Escolher entre:
- 1 Elite Draken Helmet (Arm:9, distance fighting +1, protection death +3%)
- 1 Royal Scale Robe (Arm:12, magic level +2, protection fire +5%)
- 1 Royal Draken Mail (Arm:16, shielding +3, protection physical +5%)

Firewalker Boots Quest
Level: 80+
Acesso: FREE (Yalahar / Fenrock)
Quest com duração de 25 minutos dependendo do Time.
- 1 Firewalker Boots (Arm:2, fieldAbsorbPercentFire: 90%)

Demon Oak Quest
Level: 120+
Acesso: FREE (POH)
Quest com duração de 50 minutos.
Escolher entre:
- 1 Demon Legs (Armor: 9, absorbPercentFire: 5%, manaGain: 2/1s, Speed: +5%)
- 1 Rainbow Shield (Defense: 30, absorbPercentDeath: 5%, healthGain: 1/3s, manaGain: 2/3s, magicLevel: +4)
- 1 Spellbook of Dark Mysteries (defense: 16, magicpoints: +3)
- 1 Royal Crossbow (Range:6, Atk +5, Hit% +3)

Divine Armor Quest
Level: 150+
Acesso: VIP (NPC Captain Vip, hi, pyre, yes)
Quest com duração de 30 minutos dependendo do Time.
- 1 Molten Plate (Arm:13, protection fire +7%, ice -7%)
- 1 Divine Plate (Arm:13, protection holy -10%, death +10%)

Outland Quest
Level: 150+
Acesso: FREE (Qualquer NPC de barco, hi, outland quest, yes)
Quest com duração de 6 a 7 horas dependendo do Time.
Escolher entre:
- 1 Outland Epiphany Sword (Atk:53, Def:40 +3)
- 1 Outland Solar Axe (Atk:53, Def:40 +3)
- 1 Outland Sapphire Hammer (Atk:53, Def:40 +3)
- 1 Outland Fire Arrow (Atk:62, maxHitChance:100%)
- 1 Outland Backpack (28 slots, 1 o.z)
- 1 Adamantium Fish (Defense: 15, skillShield: +5, absorbPercentPhysical: 5%, absorbPercentEarth: 2%, absorbPercentFire: 2%, absorbPercentIce: 2%. )
- 100 Crystal Coins
- 100 Crystal Coins
- 1 Supreme Necklace (healthGain: +1/2s, Speed: +2%)
- 1 Supreme Ring (manaGain: +1/2s, Speed: +2%)
- 1 Dragon Scale Legs (Armor: 10, absorbPercentEarth: 5%, Speed: +5%, manaGain: 2/1s)
- 1 Santa Teddy (Item de decoração)
- 1 Jester Doll (Item de decoração)
- 1 Santa Doll (Item de decoração)

War Horse Mount

Golden Helmet Quest
Level: 180+
Acesso: VIP (Captain Vip, hi, pyre, yes)
Quest com duração de 1 a 2 horas dependendo do Time.
- 1 Golden Helmet (Arm:12)
- 25 Kaldrox Coins (NPC Kaldrox Events)
- 300 Crystal Coins

Blessed Shield Quest
Level: 180+
Acesso: VIP (Captain Vip, hi, paper city, yes)
Quest com duração de 1 a 2 horas dependendo do Time.
- 1 Blessed Shield (Def:40)
- 1 Horned Helmet (Arm:11)
- 1 Event Time Ring (Add 40% more of haste. This item have 20 minutes of duration)
- 1 Event Life Ring (Add 10 of life and 10 of mana. This item have 10 minutes of duration)
- 400 Crystal Coins

Mithror Quest
Level: 200+
Acesso: Free (Qualquer NPC de Barco, hi, mithror quest, yes)
Quest com duração de 7 a 8 horas dependendo do Time.
Escolher entre:
- 1 Mithror EK Armor (Armor: 17, skillSword: +3, skillClub: +3, skillAxe: +3, skillShield: +2, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, absorbPercentFire: 5%, absorbPercentIce: 5%, maxHealthPoints: +150/Life ADD, maxManaPoints: +80/Mana ADD)
- 1 Mithror RP Armor (Armor: 16, skillDist: +3, skillShield: +2, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, absorbPercentFire: 5%, absorbPercentIce: 5%, maxHealthPoints: +100/Life ADD, maxManaPoints: +100/Mana ADD)
- 1 Mithror MS Armor (Armor: 14, magicLevel: +3, absorbPercentPhysical: 2%, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, absorbPercentFire: 5%, absorbPercentIce: 5%, absorbPercentEarth: 5%, maxHealthPoints: +80/Life ADD, maxManaPoints: +200/Mana ADD)
+ - 1 Mithror Mage Ring (healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s)
- 1 Mithror ED Armor (Armor: 14, magicLevel: +3, absorbPercentPhysical: 2%, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, absorbPercentFire: 5%, absorbPercentIce: 5%, absorbPercentEarth: 5%, maxHealthPoints: +80/Life ADD, maxManaPoints: +200/Mana ADD)
+ - 1 Mithror Mage Ring (healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s)
- 1 Mithror Pirate Backpack (36 Slots 1 o.z)
- 100 Kaldrox Coins (NPC Kaldrox Events)
- 10 Special Coins (10kk)

Titanica Mount

Wise of Arcana Quest
Level: 250+
Acesso: Free (Qualquer NPC de Barco, hi, arcana, yes)
Quest com duração de 7 dias.
Escolher entre:
- 1 Arcana EK Legs (Armor: 12, skillSword: +2, skillClub: +2, skillAxe: +2, absorbPercentEnergy: 13%, maxHealthPoints: +100/Life ADD, maxManaPoints: +50/Mana ADD, healthGain: 3/3s, manaGain 2/3s)
+ - 1 Arcana Ring (healthGain: 2/2s, manaGain: 1/2s)
- 1 Arcana RP Legs (Armor: 11, skillDist: +2, absorbPercentEnergy: 13%, maxHealthPoints: +90/Life ADD, maxManaPoints: +80/Mana ADD, healthGain: 2/3s, manaGain 2/3s)
+ - 1 Arcana Ring (healthGain: 2/2s, manaGain: 1/2s)
- 1 Arcana MS Legs (Armor: 10, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, absorbPercentEnergy: 13%, maxHealthPoints: +50/Life ADD, magicLevel: +2, maxManaPoints: +100/Mana ADD, healthGain: 2/3s, manaGain 3/3s)
- 1 Arcana ED Legs (Armor: 10, absorbPercentDeath: 3%, absorbPercentEnergy: 13%, maxHealthPoints: +50/Life ADD, magicLevel: +2, maxManaPoints: +100/Mana ADD, healthGain: 2/3s, manaGain 3/3s)
- 1 Arcana Backpack (36 Slots 1 o.z)
- 1 Magic Longsword (Atk:55, Def:40)
- 1 Shield of Honour (Def:33)
- 1 Rose Shield (Def:27)
- 100 Kaldrox Coins (NPC Kaldrox Events)
- 30 Special Coins (30kk)

Scorpion King Mount

Gundabad Quest
Level: 300+
Acesso: Free (Qualquer NPC de Barco, hi, gundabad, yes) Templo de Gundabad
Esta Quest precisa de uma permissão inicial para poder ter acesso.
Permissão essa que você precisa conseguir com o NPC chamado de Pretoriano, localizado em Gundabad no respawn de Infernalist ao West.
Você precisa executar as simples palavras para conseguir a permissão com o NPC:
Hi, Gundabad Quest, Yes, Yes.
Porém é necessário alguns itens que vou listar mais abaixo:
300 Demonic Essence, 50 Holy Orchid, 25 Demon Dust, 100 Red Piece of Cloth e 100 Fish Fin.
No decorrer da Quest em algumas etapas você vai precisar de alguns Itens para proseguir:
1 Red Apple, 30 Acorn, 1 Mini Mummy.
Quest com duração de 2 dias Sábado e Domingo.
Escolher entre:
- 1 Gundabad EK Amulet (healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s, maxHealthPoints: +70/Life ADD, maxManaPoints: +35/Mana ADD, skillSword: +1, skillClub: +1, skillAxe: +1, absorbPercentEarth: +20%, absorbPercentFire: -10%)
+ - 1 Gundabad Ring (healthGain: 3/2s, manaGain: 4/2s)
- 1 Gundabad RP Amulet (healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s, maxHealthPoints: +60/Life ADD, maxManaPoints: +50/Mana ADD, skillDist: +1, absorbPercentFire: +20%, absorbPercentEnergy: -10%)
+ - 1 Gundabad Ring (healthGain: 3/2s, manaGain: 4/2s)
- 1 Gundabad ED Amulet (healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s, maxHealthPoints: +35/Life ADD, maxManaPoints: +70/Mana ADD, magicLevel: +2, absorbPercentEnergy: +20%, absorbPercentEarth: -10%)
+ - 1 Gundabad Ring (healthGain: 3/2s, manaGain: 4/2s)
- 1 Gundabad MS Amulet (healthGain: 1/2s, manaGain: 2/2s, maxHealthPoints: +35/Life ADD, maxManaPoints: +70/Mana ADD, magicLevel: +2, absorbPercentFire: +20%, absorbPercentIce: -10%)
+ - 1 Gundabad Ring (healthGain: 3/2s, manaGain: 4/2s)
- 1 Gundabad Fortress (Defense: 18, skillShield: +8, healthGain: 3/2s, manaGain: 4/2s, magicLevel: +1)
- 1 Famous Golden Bug
- 1 Gundabad Backpack (36 Slots 1 o.z)
- 1 Gundabad Bag (24 Slots 1 o.z)
- 250 Kaldrox Coins (NPC Kaldrox Events)
- 50 Special Coins (50kk)

Neon Sparkid Mount

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players Online
Top Experience
1- Ogromax
1503, Royal Paladin
2- Not Like Us
495, Elder Druid
3- Rufus Da Motta
491, Royal Paladin
4- Suprazilla
486, Royal Paladin
5- Luvsice
480, Master Sorcerer

Top Frags
1- Caixa Baixa
1 3071, Frags
2- Rushw
2587, Frags
3- Lidera Full Odiado
2546, Frags
Top Balance ($)
1- Ogromax
1$ 18.574.980.550 Golds
2- Alakazam
$ 7.968.937.569 Golds
3- Madam Rose
$ 6.941.237.902 Golds

Top Outfits
1- Xadet
147, Outfits
2- Macumbeiro
44, Outfits
3- Trevinha
33, Outfits
Top Mounts
1- Macumbeiro
144, Mounts
2- Xadet
33, Mounts
3- Rufus Da Motta
23, Mounts