Contentbox headline
Character Information
Profession:Royal Paladin
Marital status:single
House:Dark Mansion (Thais)
Guild Membership:[ADM] of the GuildPoints
Frags:Killed 168 players
Last login:4 December 2024, 1:07 am
Comment:\'To com saudade
De uma bela rola grande e grossa me botando com vontade
Ficar só no desejo é covardia, eu quero é foda de verdade
Não quero soca fofo, eu quero forte
Me enlouquece com maldade
Oh yeah

Só não liga pro bombeiro ou SAMU
Porque não tem mangueira certa que apague esse fogo louco do meu cu
Tu bota, bota, a xota pisca
O cu delira e grita baby "I love you"
Esse incêndio louco do meu cu...






Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 32.639.145 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 15%
Tasks: 02%

28 Nov 2024, 22:36 Killed at level 314 by Batman, Perry War, Mage Lee, Druid Alone, Slyne, Task Number Um, Mounz, Chatao Dazxataria, Skullmaster, Hamas, Psychiatryczny, El Diablo, Tazo Dorado, Alinz, Henriquezenho, Azinhow Tysbagaca, Ashley Street, Kiiller Bee, Vyse, Ostanes, Terepaima, Habbo Is Back, Dr Escolastica, Davizerah, Xaxa and by Unstoppable Navii.
28 Nov 2024, 22:06 Killed at level 315 by Azinhow Tysbagaca, Batman, Hell Skull, Mounz, Druid Alone, Chatao Dazxataria, The Lost, Hachibi, Xexagg Opressorzy, Koringa Original, Slyne, Numeucu, Luizao Pvpcaminhao, Barack Love Thais, Perry War, Vyse, Pilskytt, Davizerah, Kenji Al Kaida, Terepaima and by Dr Escolastica.
28 Nov 2024, 21:58 Killed at level 316 by Tazo Dorado, Minha Bunda, Task Number Um, Koringa Original, Flow Demencia, Alinz, Vyse, Guatire City, Vulkanin, Numeucu, Henriquezenho, Luizao Pvpcaminhao, Rodzera Procura, Batman, Kiiller Bee, Ostanes, Pilskytt, Mounz, Psychiatryczny, Azinhow Tysbagaca, Slyne, Davizerah and by Chatao Dazxataria.
28 Nov 2024, 13:44 Killed at level 316 by Muglu, El Prodigio, Kenji Al Kaida, Ms Best, Slyne, Demar Derozan, The Antivirus, Skullmaster, Helios, Ifwa Primetime, Nunesz Opressor, Szcrochinski, Azinhow Tysbagaca and by Xaxa.
27 Nov 2024, 21:17 Killed at level 317 by Tazo Dorado, Task Number Um, Druid Alone, Black Crazy, Pilskytt, Alinz, Rn Trevas, Dazzler Casado, Demar Derozan, Mrtrukoxd, Mounz, Fulga Bombinha, Dimelo Bembolio, Vulgo Luciano, Tokurando, Unstoppable Braith, Rp Maniaco, Grunwine, Unstoppable Maykera, Lamine and by Tribilin.
27 Nov 2024, 21:08 Killed at level 318 by Black Crazy, Dazzler Casado, Pilskytt, Druid Alone, Task Number Um, Lamine, Tazo Dorado, Mounz, Gorilla Zord, Ms Best and by Demar Derozan.
27 Nov 2024, 16:11 Killed at level 318 by Deliciosa, Jaguarex Lovestory, Pilskytt, Helios, Slyne, Demar Derozan, Kenji Al Kaida, Tron, Muglu, Druid Alone, Roobak and by Fulga Bombinha.
27 Nov 2024, 15:55 Killed at level 319 by Firewizard, Taz Mania, Druid Alone, Jaguarex Lovestory, Deliciosa, Les Deux, Demar Derozan, Roobak, Kenji Al Kaida, Unstoppable Jade, Mounz, Pilskytt, Helios, Plim Plim and by Slyne.
27 Nov 2024, 12:39 Killed at level 320 by Vulgo Luciano, The Lost, Demar Derozan, Les Deux, Djokovic, Egocentrico Nopush, Deliciosa, Pilskytt, Kenji Al Kaida and by Azinhow Tysbagaca.
23 Nov 2024, 21:04 Killed at level 319 by Foxnight.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Record of Daily Experiences
EXP Today
+1.780.756 (Monster Experiences)
+5.567.512 (Monster Experiences)
+4.201.009 (Monster Experiences)
+11.944.515 (Monster Experiences)
+11.345.445 (Monster Experiences)
+8.081.152 (Monster Experiences)
-12.800.463 (Monster Experiences)
-16.410.580 (Monster Experiences)

General Experience Records Graph

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Top Experience
1- Zajkra
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2- Vuld
368, Royal Paladin
3- Fuzion
360, Royal Paladin
4- Alexandre Fleming
358, Master Sorcerer
5- Especialista
358, Master Sorcerer

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