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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Frags:Killed 1150 players
Last login:28 October 2024, 3:53 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

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Quests: 15%
Tasks: 00%

10 Oct 2024, 00:17 Killed at level 209 by Tupac Shakur, Hyperxd, Gardenal Maluco, Unstoppable Schulltz, Worlock, Enter, Undertaker, Bronkszcire, Pe De Cova, Raul Acucarado, Heal Black, Unstoppable Modelo, Unstoppable Wap and by Rushw.
9 Oct 2024, 23:54 Killed at level 210 by Banana Og, Hyperxd, Bronkszcire, Estelio Nato, Raul Acucarado, Pe De Cova, Unstoppable Schulltz, Rushw, Worlock, Ngm Ta Puro, Tupac Shakur, Heal Black, Undertaker, Psychiatryczny and by Vanzyk.
9 Oct 2024, 23:51 Killed at level 210 by Ngm Ta Puro, Hyperxd, Enter, Undertaker, Bronkszcire, Unstoppable Schulltz, Banana Og, Gardenal Maluco, Worlock, Psychiatryczny, Shawtz Pobre Loco, Islam Makhachev and by Enjoy And Relax.
9 Oct 2024, 23:41 Killed at level 210 by Gardenal Maluco, Banana Og, Rei Zord, Estelio Nato, Raul Acucarado, Vitinho Onlygate, Rushw, Unstoppable Schulltz, Worlock, Enter, Undertaker, Psychiatryczny, Tupac Shakur, Vanzyk and by Agroboy.
9 Oct 2024, 23:30 Killed at level 210 by Heal Black, Hyperxd, Undertaker, Gardenal Maluco, Worlock, Raul Acucarado, Rei Zord, Unstoppable Schulltz, Vitinho Onlygate, Ngm Ta Puro, Pe De Cova, Tupac Shakur, Banana Og, Enter, Unstoppable Modelo, Estupido Over and by Unstoppable Wap.
9 Oct 2024, 23:27 Killed at level 210 by Unstoppable Schulltz, Worlock, Enter, Rushw, Rei Zord, Hyperxd, Banana Og, Heal Black, Vitinho Onlygate, Raul Acucarado, Agroboy, Tupac Shakur, Vanzyk, Psychiatryczny and by Pe De Cova.
9 Oct 2024, 23:13 Killed at level 210 by Rei Zord, Worlock, Unstoppable Schulltz, Banana Og, Heal Black, Ngm Ta Puro, Estelio Nato, Gardenal Maluco, Tupac Shakur, Pablo Escobar, Rushw, Hyperxd, Pe De Cova, Unstoppable Modelo, Psychiatryczny, Agroboy, Ursin Pbcast, Shawtz Pobre Loco, Ciinek Dashow and by Vanzyk.
8 Oct 2024, 00:00 Killed at level 210 by Nero Rushaeasy, Abackor, Blak Knight, Dua Lipaa, Diverzo Legends, Tostado, Killer, Gennady Mikhasevic, Carloskyx, Amortecedores, Naoskingxz, Forty Seven Gang, Ramzsik, Vanzyk and by Rdzinn.
7 Oct 2024, 23:55 Killed at level 210 by Carloskyx, Abackor, Dorothy Unsworth, Nero Rushaeasy, Naoskingxz, Porkysitu, Blak Knight, Diverzo Legends, Gennady Mikhasevic, Forty Seven Gang, Dua Lipaa, Tostado, Kaesi Relaxado, Agroboy, Ramzsik, Rdzinn and by Killer.
7 Oct 2024, 23:51 Killed at level 210 by Killer, Dementeh, Rdzinn, Diverzo Legends, Gennady Mikhasevic, Forty Seven Gang, Dua Lipaa, Naoskingxz, Dorothy Unsworth, Blak Knight, Ramzsik, Ariel Pralyzer, Agroboy, Nero Rushaeasy, Vanzyk and by Unstoppable Schulltz.

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Account Information
Real Name:A A
Created:28 August 2024, 11:58 pm
Vip Status:VIP Account

1. VanzykKaldrox

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