Contentbox headline
Character Information
Name:Tazo Dorado
Profession:Elder Druid
Residence:Ice City Vip
Marital status:single
House:Mystic Lane 1 (Venore)
Guild Membership:Slow Motion of the Pocos Pero Locos
Frags:Killed 314 players
Last login:26 March 2025, 9:54 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 46.355.804 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 45%
Tasks: 06%

26 Mar 2025, 21:54 Killed at level 344 by Putao Revoltado, Huahsh, Presidente, Tereteuteu, Curuzis, Mago Violento, Suzegan, Cabrunkinhow, Quebradeiira and by Yurito Riot.
26 Mar 2025, 19:44 Killed at level 345 by Kamikasze Ninja, Zior Kill Coat, Romyas, Dazzler Hawkeye, Dazzler, Frozen Over, Navoile, Chupeta De Baleia, Sicerzin, Sebas Kong and by Arroz Con Pollo.
26 Mar 2025, 19:21 Killed at level 346 by Bililiu, Ahh Ta, Lilo Stitch, Sicerzin, Romyas, El Jefe, Koringa Loko, Lkzinho, Dono Da Prision, Opressorysz, Burpee, Latuz Lovebigass, Dazzler Maniako, Amortecedores, Dazzler Hawkeye, Picasso, Jisjaisjiojoos, Afavor Dos Contra, Jaguarex Fullywar, Alexei Paralyzer, Barack Eagly Thais, Tropa De Elite, Henriquezenho, Arroz Con Pollo and by Mayane.
26 Mar 2025, 19:19 Killed at level 346 by Burpee, Avada Kedavra, Dazzler Maniako, Afavor Dos Contra, Ahh Ta, Henriquezenho, El Jefe, Romyas, Cromo Vanadio, Alexei Paralyzer, Navoile, Dono Da Prision, Skullmaster, Zeze De Camargo, Jaguarex Fullywar, Ppl Cachorro Morto, Mailon, Frozen Over, Bililiu, Lilo Stitch, Sicerzin, Zior Kill Coat, Dazzler Hawkeye, Opressorysz, Mane Jito, Teen Tanker, Dazzler, Mayane, Lee Killer, Lkzinho, Wlaowyere and by Mossad.
26 Mar 2025, 19:15 Killed at level 347 by Tropa De Elite, Dazzler Maniako, Frozen Over, Dazzler Hawkeye, Afavor Dos Contra, Lee Killer, Ppl Cachorro Morto, Rexx, El Diablo, Lilo Stitch, Avada Kedavra, Mane Jito, Ahh Ta, Dazzler, Romyas, Skullmaster, Alexei Paralyzer, Sicerzin, Tereteuteu, Teen Tanker, Barack Eagly Thais, Opressorysz, Cromo Vanadio, Burpee, Latuz Lovebigass, Sebas Kong and by Mailon.
26 Mar 2025, 19:11 Killed at level 347 by Dono Da Prision, Lilo Stitch, Afavor Dos Contra, El Jefe, Bililiu, Jisjaisjiojoos, Alexei Paralyzer, Avada Kedavra, Tropa De Elite, Sin Tren, Zeze De Camargo, Dazzler Maniako, Lee Killer, Grand Tron, Zior Kill Coat, Cromo Vanadio, Koringa Loko, Ahh Ta, Rexx, Teen Tanker, Picasso, Starting Ops, Druid Of War, Mailon, Dazzler, Burpee, Dazzler Hawkeye, Don Wuichoekz, Frozen Over, El Diablo, Jaguarex Fullywar, Romyas and by Sebas Kong.
26 Mar 2025, 19:10 Killed at level 348 by Amortecedores, Romyas, Ppl Cachorro Morto, Rexx, Dazzler Maniako, Afavor Dos Contra, Jaguarex Fullywar, Don Wuichoekz, Koringa Loko, Dazzler Hawkeye, Zeze De Camargo, Jisjaisjiojoos, Bililiu, El Diablo, Teen Tanker, King Blocker, Zior Kill Coat, Starting Ops, Barack Eagly Thais, Grand Tron, Dazzler, Lilo Stitch, Tereteuteu, Alexei Paralyzer, Henriquezenho, Pililiu, Burpee, Sicerzin, El Jefe, Sebas Kong and by Picasso.
26 Mar 2025, 18:57 Killed at level 349 by Ahh Ta, Romyas, Henriquezenho, Cromo Vanadio, Dono Da Prision, Arroz Con Pollo, Dazzler, Burpee, Zeze De Camargo, Opressorysz, Rexx, Afavor Dos Contra, Dazzler Hawkeye, Barack Eagly Thais, Koringa Loko, Lilo Stitch, El Jefe, Picasso and by Zior Kill Coat.
26 Mar 2025, 18:53 Killed at level 349 by Bililiu, Romyas, Afavor Dos Contra, Jisjaisjiojoos, Cromo Vanadio, Koringa Loko, Alexei Paralyzer, Lee Killer, Ahh Ta, Zeze De Camargo, Dono Da Prision, Ppl Cachorro Morto, Dazzler Hawkeye, Burpee, Dazzler, Teen Tanker, Lilo Stitch, Arroz Con Pollo, Opressorysz, Henriquezenho, Zior Kill Coat, Lkzinho, El Diablo and by King Blocker.
22 Mar 2025, 18:42 Killed at level 344 by Guama, Dazzler Maniako, Waylay, Batman, Respect Ducklings, Zeh Lootinho, Rexx, Don Wuichoekz, Latuz Bebado, Picasso, Burpee, Tooys, Bishop, Przemak, King Blocker, Braith Depressao, Arrow King, Shuntt, Jisjaisjiojoos, Chiloca Yna, Bililiu, Druid Alone, Tinker, Seshou Odiado and by Baragudvet.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Record of Daily Experiences
EXP Today
not gain exp (Monster Experiences)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences)
-19.614.240 (Monster Experiences)
+10.207.221 (Monster Experiences)
+9.206.313 (Monster Experiences)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences)
-6.852.272 (Monster Experiences)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences)

General Experience Records Graph

Account Information
Real Name:PadriniƱo Zambada
Created:19 September 2024, 4:54 am
Vip Status:VIP Account

1. Tazo DoradoKaldrox

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