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Character Information
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:Member of the TNC
Frags:Killed 11 players
Last login:19 December 2024, 8:41 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 10%
Tasks: 00%

19 Dec 2024, 20:41 Killed at level 302 by Ek Task Um, Hilton Do Masfrigo, Typhoon, Gelado, Nescafe Oficial, Seicon, Rey Pizza, Rokubi and by Vulgo Luciano.
16 Dec 2024, 22:35 Killed at level 303 by The Desgraciado, Astaroth, Mazawuasa, Tinker, Sir Diirdok, Saci De Patinete, Tazo Dorado, Intorpecente, Lypezerah, Shaawzin, Vps Druid Sete, Typhoon, Pirolyzer, Kaguya Nopano, New Freezer, Rey Pizza, Sell Script, Maniaco Da Kombi, Vulgo Luciano, Shelby Ltda, Infernus Return, Nissault and by Dereii Ruless.
16 Dec 2024, 22:11 Killed at level 303 by Rexx, Rey Pizza, Tinker, Astaroth, Tiro Loco, Liipee, Tazo Dorado, Presidente, The Desgraciado, Just For Fun, Anonymous, Maria Cordova, Pirolyzer, Maniaco Da Kombi, Vps Druid Sete, Intorpecente and by skeleton.
16 Dec 2024, 21:56 Killed at level 304 by Nissault, Hachibi, Tinker, Paladino Seis, Old Tatiano, Maloqueiro, Kaguya Nopano, Sir Diirdok, Rey Pizza, Mazawuasa, Lypezerah, Chiloca Yna, Vulgo Luciano, Rexx, Druid Of War, Maria Cordova, Pirolyzer, Astaroth, Vps Druid Sete, Ceboliinha, Maniaco Da Kombi, Shelby Ltda, Humillity Mza and by The Desgraciado.
16 Dec 2024, 21:46 Killed at level 305 by Astaroth, Paladino Seis, Rey Pizza, The Desgraciado, Maria Cordova, Maniaco Da Kombi, Yhpviftr Qxwyih, Liipee, Vps Druid Sete, Mazawuasa, Shaawzin, Notres Nocuzim, Sir Diirdok, Infernus Return, Dereii Ruless, Minimen, Tazo Dorado, Kamikasze Ninja, Vulgo Luciano, Unstoppable Mxxc, Humillity Mza, Putaoo, Intorpecente, Sebas King, Lypezerah, Hamas, Navi Twelve, Eu Quero Tchu and by Rokubi.
16 Dec 2024, 20:59 Killed at level 305 by Tazo Dorado, Astaroth, Rey Pizza, Sell Script, Nissault, Maria Cordova, Maniaco Da Kombi, Anonymous, The Desgraciado, Suzegan, Tinker, Lypezerah, Vps Druid Sete, Rexx, Lamine, Liipee, Just For Fun, Hachibi, Vulgo Luciano, Mazawuasa, Jaine Stefani, Saci De Patinete, Angiim Dellasz, Hilton Do Masfrigo and by Minimen.
16 Dec 2024, 20:51 Killed at level 306 by Sebas King, The Desgraciado, Hamas, Lamine, Saci De Patinete, Pally Lee, Maniaco Da Kombi, Nissault, Chiloca Yna, Tazo Dorado, Maria Cordova, Suzegan, Hachibi, Druid Of War, Rey Pizza, Hilton Do Masfrigo, Mazawuasa, Angiim Dellasz, Hieze, Lorde Zheus, Armandek, Anonymous and by Dereii Ruless.
13 Dec 2024, 10:15 Died at level 306 by guzzlemaw, a frazzlemaw and by silencer.
10 Dec 2024, 20:05 Killed at level 307 by Tiro Loco, Koringa Original, Maconheiro Dez, Vulgo Luciano, Unstoppable Mxxc, Job Explorer Cave, Obs Gugagostosao, Skolzera, Aftermath Angel, Lukinhaa Causando, Douvan, Just For Fun, Liipee, Shunttz, Happiness, Gamboa, Ronalldiinho, Chiloca Yna, Mago Vps Dos and by Navi Marklooff.
26 Nov 2024, 23:10 Died at level 307 by dragon lord.

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Account Information
Created:25 September 2024, 7:36 pm
Vip Status:VIP Account

1. RokubiKaldrox

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