Contentbox headline
Character Information
Profession:Royal Paladin
Marital status:single
House:Bears Paw 2 (Svargrond)
Guild Membership:Member of the TNC
Frags:Killed 10 players
Last login:4 December 2024, 12:51 am
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 774.812 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 45%
Tasks: 04%

4 Dec 2024, 00:10 Killed at level 318 by Helios, Python Powerrfull, Unstoppable Taiiro, Adony Massacre, Rainha Loira, Vps Doiis, Babylon, Pogramce, Gorilla Zord, Davizerah, Edward, Malako Push, Unstoppable Mxxc, Chatao Dazxataria, Jota, Ronalldiinho, Wolkz, Psychiatryczny, Vyse, The Wsspport Kwin, Paladino Seis, Fulga Bombinha, Unstoppable Braith and by Fael Opressor.
4 Dec 2024, 00:05 Killed at level 319 by Helios, Luizao Pvpcaminhao, Adony Massacre, Florian Wirtz, Paladino Seis, Fael Opressor, Cesinha Deboxado, Davizerah, Unstoppable Rushh, Vyse, Psychiatryczny, Lamine, Unstoppable Mxxc, Vps Doiis, Wolkz, Malako Push, Edward, The Wsspport Kwin, Jota, Babylon, Pogramce, Taz Mania, Obbly Al Kaida, Gorilla Zord and by Rodzera Procura.
3 Dec 2024, 23:56 Killed at level 319 by Babylon, Helios, Wolkz, Paladino Seis, Bryant Pro, The Wsspport Kwin, Lamine, Vyse, Davizerah, Fael Opressor, Edward, Kenji Al Kaida, Ja Rule, Malako Push, Sintese Sombria, Fulga Bombinha, Rainha Loira, Alexei Paralyzer, Koringa Original, Ronalldiinho, Chatao Dazxataria, Adony Massacre, Unstoppable Mxxc, Psychiatryczny, Jota, Cesinha Deboxado, Kendo Kaponii, Rodzera Procura, Gorilla Zord, Vps Doiis, Unstoppable Braith and by Unstoppable Taiiro.
3 Dec 2024, 19:26 Killed at level 320 by Avada Kedavra, Pally Lee, Gil Boca Mucha, Vyse, Vulkanin, Mounz, Misashi, Yhpviftr Qxwyih, Davizerah, Kenji Al Kaida, Malako Push, Knight Ssa, Obbly Al Kaida, Ronalldiinho and by Doctorzera.
3 Dec 2024, 19:22 Killed at level 321 by Disk Dorgas, Avada Kedavra, Vyse, Mounz, Knight Ssa, Davizerah, Gil Boca Mucha, Kenji Al Kaida and by Doctorzera.
3 Dec 2024, 19:12 Killed at level 322 by Knight Ssa, Vulkanin, Kenji Al Kaida, Mage Lee, Obbly Al Kaida, Mounz, Malako Push, Disk Dorgas, Ti Comia Na Sala, Davizerah, Misashi, Fael Opressor, Obs Gugagostosao, Doctorzera and by Fuzion.
3 Dec 2024, 18:07 Killed at level 322 by Yhpviftr Qxwyih, Tribilin, Knight Ssa, Gorilla Zord, Kenji Al Kaida, Druid Alone, Vps Doiis, Mounz, Obbly Al Kaida, Gil Boca Mucha and by Vulkanin.
2 Dec 2024, 23:22 Killed at level 323 by Fouxz Lendario, Florian Wirtz, The Wsspport Kwin, Obbly Al Kaida, Vyse, Wikipedia, Adony Massacre, Kenji Al Kaida, Henriquezenho, Kiiller Bee, Chatao Dazxataria, Ice Beer, Vps Doiis, Lord Druidizerah, Knight Ssa, Cria and by Doctorzera.
2 Dec 2024, 23:18 Killed at level 324 by Obbly Al Kaida, Kenji Al Kaida, Koringa Original, Chatao Dazxataria, Fouxz Lendario, Only Desturbed, Vps Doiis, Ashley Street, Rodzera Procura, Vyse, Azinhow Tysbagaca, Henriquezenho, Adony Massacre, The Wsspport Kwin, Lord Druidizerah, King Opressao, Florian Wirtz, Motocavrumvrum, Crocodilo Dante, Mage Lee and by Kiiller Bee.
2 Dec 2024, 22:12 Killed at level 325 by Fouxz Lendario, Rodzera Procura, Koringa Original, Moskito Paralitico, Mage Lee, Meelky, Wikipedia, Kenji Al Kaida, Crocodilo Dante, Henriquezenho, Chatao Dazxataria, The Wsspport Kwin, Druid Alone, Azinhow Tysbagaca, Vps Doiis, Ashley Street, Obbly Al Kaida, Flow Demencia, Malako Push, Adony Massacre, Lamine, Psychiatryczny, Florian Wirtz, Wolkz, Knight Ssa and by Doctorzera.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Record of Daily Experiences
EXP Today
-7.727.543 (Monster Experiences)
-19.662.838 (Monster Experiences)
-24.595.802 (Monster Experiences)
-4.184.771 (Monster Experiences)
-4.240.011 (Monster Experiences)
-8.553.274 (Monster Experiences)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences)
+12.171.700 (Monster Experiences)

General Experience Records Graph

Account Information
Created:17 August 2024, 8:56 pm
Vip Status:VIP Account

1. DoctorzeraKaldrox

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