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Character Information
Name:Dasher Strike
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
Frags:Killed 193 players
Last login:8 October 2024, 11:17 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 05%
Tasks: 00%

18 Sep 2024, 00:51 Killed at level 205 by Swegger, Alan Delon, Abdul Zawl Ahmad, Bronkszcire, Mike Tyson, Xnhodiejd, Unstoppable Schulltz, Estelio Nato, Vanzyk, Sheik Lauz, Xalotte, Dunkyzao, Messiasz Paralyzer, Fimozinhaarrebenta and by Fome Zero.
18 Sep 2024, 00:49 Killed at level 205 by Swegger, Unstoppable Schulltz, Estelio Nato, Bronkszcire, Fome Zero, Mike Tyson, Xalotte, Xnhodiejd, Messiasz Paralyzer, Maldadeextrema, Delyrion, Vanzyk, Sheik Lauz, Fimozinhaarrebenta, Elkiko and by Zayner.
18 Sep 2024, 00:38 Killed at level 205 by Dunkyzao, Abdul Zawl Ahmad, Vanzyk, Bolamaisum, Mike Tyson, Bronkszcire, Xalotte, Maldadeextrema, Fimozinhaarrebenta, Messiasz Paralyzer, Fome Zero, Unstoppable Schulltz, Sheik Lauz, Delyrion and by Prince Nimet.
18 Sep 2024, 00:21 Killed at level 206 by Unstoppable Schulltz, Alan Delon, Mike Tyson, Abdul Zawl Ahmad, Xalotte, Bronkszcire, Max Sider, Swegger, Sheik Lauz, Bolamaisum, Fome Zero, Nerd Din, Fimozinhaarrebenta, Dunkyzao, Estelio Nato, Xnhodiejd and by Tedium.
17 Sep 2024, 23:54 Killed at level 206 by Fome Zero, Parcel, Nerd Din, Winston Churchill, Alibaba Why Strong, Cesinha Deboxado, Mza Pushyou, Wooufy, Briin Xabled Raats, Ngm Ta Puro, Bolamaisum, Selassie, Xalotte The King, Caixa Baixa, Cade Chinelo, Abdul Zawl Ahmad, Chaves Revoltado, Banana Og, Lidera Full Odiado, Xalotte and by Sir Zeuzz.
17 Sep 2024, 23:41 Killed at level 206 by Chaves Revoltado, Alibaba Why Strong, Selassie, Caixa Baixa, Cesinha Deboxado, Wooufy, Ngm Ta Puro, Rushw, Cade Chinelo, Heal Black, Bolamaisum, Nerd Din, Banana Og, Pezewiwko Wfeyekim, Abdul Zawl Ahmad, Xalotte, Ifwa Primetime and by Winston Churchill.
17 Sep 2024, 23:34 Killed at level 206 by Heal Black, Alibaba Why Strong, Chaves Revoltado, Abdul Zawl Ahmad, Bolamaisum, Ngm Ta Puro, Parcel, Wooufy, Mza Pushyou, Swegger, Winston Churchill, Rushw, Xalotte, Cade Chinelo, Caixa Baixa, Ifwa Primetime, Xalotte The King, Cesinha Deboxado, Fome Zero, Briin Xabled Raats, Sir Zeuzz and by Og Low.
17 Sep 2024, 23:20 Killed at level 206 by Banana Og, Rushw, Abdul Zawl Ahmad, Latuz Myers, Chaves Revoltado, Heal Black, Cade Chinelo, Swegger, Xalotte The King, Xalotte, Fome Zero, Mza Pushyou, Alibaba Why Strong, Ifwa Primetime, Briin Xabled Raats, Prince Foekziio, Pezewiwko Wfeyekim, Beznakazannyy Bog, Kashi Yu and by Prince Nimet.
17 Sep 2024, 06:51 Died at level 205 by western nightstalker and by behemoth.
16 Sep 2024, 22:51 Killed at level 203 by Babylon, Knight Pro, Md Pakistan, Maltin Valera, Corsero, Balaz Again and by Sabotage.

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Account Information
Real Name:A Garcia
Created:4 September 2024, 7:49 pm
Vip Status:VIP Account

1. Dasher StrikeKaldrox

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