Contentbox headline
Character Information
Name:Barack The Thais
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
House:Ethno 12 (Ethno)
Guild Membership:Member of the TNC
Frags:Killed 303 players
Last login:3 December 2024, 10:59 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 1.086.500 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 15%
Tasks: 02%

3 Dec 2024, 22:59 Killed at level 284 by Fulga Bombinha, Bryant Pro, Wolkz, Helios, Luizao Pvpcaminhao, Davizerah, Florian Wirtz, Grunwine, Ja Rule, Psychiatryczny, Vyse, Koringa Original, Pilskytt and by Obbly Al Kaida.
3 Dec 2024, 22:39 Killed at level 285 by Obbly Al Kaida, The Wsspport Kwin, Helios, Fael Opressor, Don Ramon, Vyse, Wolkz, Psychiatryczny, Ja Rule, Azinhow Tysbagaca, Maregazika, Pally Lee, Chatao Dazxataria, Davizerah, Pilskytt, Jefe De Jefes, Gorilla Zord, Skullmaster, Cesinha Deboxado, Fulga Bombinha, Rainha Loira, Koringa Original and by Nauczanie.
3 Dec 2024, 22:36 Killed at level 286 by Jefe De Jefes, Kenji Al Kaida, Davizerah, Pilskytt, Helios, Fulga Bombinha, Psychiatryczny, Chatao Dazxataria, Obbly Al Kaida, Vyse, Ja Rule, Adony Massacre, Pally Lee, Ronalldiinho and by Don Ramon.
3 Dec 2024, 22:28 Killed at level 286 by Adony Massacre, Skullmaster, King Opressao, Pilskytt, The Wsspport Kwin, Gorilla Zord, Davizerah, Vyse, Obbly Al Kaida, Koringa Original, Helios, Flow Demencia, Fulga Bombinha, Don Ramon, Pally Lee, Cesinha Deboxado and by Psychiatryczny.
3 Dec 2024, 22:23 Killed at level 287 by Adony Massacre, The Wsspport Kwin, Chatao Dazxataria, Psychiatryczny, James Lafleur, Fulga Bombinha, Skullmaster, Pilskytt, Don Ramon, Flow Demencia, Vyse, Obbly Al Kaida, Fael Opressor, Gorilla Zord, Helios, Rn Trevas, Kenji Al Kaida, Luizao Pvpcaminhao, Ronalldiinho, King Opressao, Pally Lee and by Anonymous Sophz.
3 Dec 2024, 22:19 Killed at level 288 by Sintese Sombria, Kenji Al Kaida, Davizerah, Helios, Skullmaster, Taz Mania, Zebinn Fullgostoso, King Opressao, Fulga Bombinha, Pally Lee, Chatao Dazxataria, Pilskytt, Vyse, Fael Opressor, Ja Rule, Jota, Wolkz, Leooxd, Cesinha Deboxado and by Unstoppable Taiiro.
3 Dec 2024, 22:11 Killed at level 289 by Zebinn Fullgostoso, The Wsspport Kwin, Psychiatryczny, Helios, El Diablo, Davizerah, Pally Lee, Malako Push, Ja Rule, Skullmaster, Fulga Bombinha, Knight Ssa, Wolkz, Vyse, Kenji Al Kaida, Azinhow Tysbagaca, Gorilla Zord and by Taz Mania.
3 Dec 2024, 21:47 Killed at level 289 by Skullmaster, El Diablo, Wolkz, Gorilla Zord, Kenji Al Kaida, Davizerah, Zebinn Fullgostoso, Fuzion, Ja Rule, Fael Opressor, Pilskytt, The Wsspport Kwin, Vulkanin, Xexagg Opressorzy, Helios, Maloqueiro, Psychiatryczny, Obbly Al Kaida, Knight Ssa, Fulga Bombinha, Malako Push, Vyse and by Pogramce.
3 Dec 2024, 21:39 Killed at level 290 by Davizerah, Luizao Pvpcaminhao, Skullmaster, Zebinn Fullgostoso, Helios, Pilskytt, Obbly Al Kaida, Ja Rule, Kenji Al Kaida, Azinhow Tysbagaca, Wolkz, El Diablo, Maloqueiro, Fulga Bombinha, King Opressao, The Wsspport Kwin, Cesinha Deboxado, Chatao Dazxataria, Rodzera Procura and by Knight Ssa.
3 Dec 2024, 21:33 Killed at level 291 by The Wsspport Kwin, Hieze, Pilskytt, Psychiatryczny, Wolkz, Helios, Skullmaster, Obbly Al Kaida, Pally Lee, Ja Rule, Davizerah, Azinhow Tysbagaca, Chatao Dazxataria, Zebinn Fullgostoso, Leooxd and by Knight Ssa.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Record of Daily Experiences
EXP Today
not gain exp (Monster Experiences)
-31.589.452 (Monster Experiences)
+469.800 (Monster Experiences)
+8.067.982 (Monster Experiences)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences)
+3.166.640 (Monster Experiences)
+5.121.858 (Monster Experiences)
+5.976.538 (Monster Experiences)

General Experience Records Graph

Account Information
Real Name:Thais Vive Diego
Created:5 September 2024, 11:28 am
Vip Status:VIP Account

1. Barack The ThaisKaldrox

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