Contentbox headline
Character Information
Profession:Royal Paladin
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:Member of the TNC
Frags:Killed 40 players
Last login:11 December 2024, 12:49 am
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 35%
Tasks: 06%

10 Dec 2024, 19:53 Killed at level 330 by Zahraa, Koringa Original, Just For Fun, Rokubi, Fulga Favela Bomba, Colaps Cinquendois, Bahia De Jesus, Ed Treze, Tinker, Zanderfps, Paga Fogo Dragao, Python Powerrfull, Navi Marklooff, King Dominante and by Rytsun.
10 Dec 2024, 19:47 Killed at level 331 by Misashi, Kiiller Bee, Ed Treze, Paga Fogo Dragao, Tinker, Psychiatryczny, Billy The Kid, Zahraa, Vulgo Luciano, Just For Fun and by Rokubi.
10 Dec 2024, 19:38 Killed at level 332 by Colaps Cinquendois, Kiiller Bee, Vulgo Luciano, Tinker, Just For Fun, Black Crazy, Paga Fogo Dragao, Ed Treze, Psychiatryczny, Gamboa, Diguinho Mata Memu and by Bahia De Jesus.
9 Dec 2024, 23:25 Killed at level 332 by Fulga Favela Bomba, Bifinho, Psychiatryczny, The Desgraciado, Moskito Paralitico, Gorilla Zord, Druid Alone, Valentina Perez, Colaps Cinquendois, Adony Massacre and by Makkabro.
9 Dec 2024, 22:47 Killed at level 333 by Zahraa, Aftermath Angel, Valentina Perez, Adony Massacre, Colaps Cinquendois, Psychiatryczny, March Rojito, The Desgraciado, Vulgo Luciano, Pally Lee, Druid Alone, a grim reaper and by Makkabro.
9 Dec 2024, 21:44 Killed at level 334 by Psychiatryczny, The Desgraciado, Hachibi, Adony Massacre, Valentina Perez, Perry War, Moskito Paralitico, Gorilla Zord, Fael Opressor, Kiiller Bee, Pally Lee, Zahraa, Tazo Dorado, Tinker, Murk, Vulgo Luciano, Fulga Favela Bomba, Aftermath Angel, Kfc Dois, Frank, Malako Push, Jota, Korsain and by Beserk Evil.
8 Dec 2024, 00:13 Killed at level 335 by Kiiller Bee, Colaps Cinquendois, Avalikostevara, Vps Full Afk, Acostini, User Unlocked, Aftermath Angel, Vulgo Luciano, Fulga Favela Bomba, Adony Massacre, Diguinho Mata Memu, Gorilla Zord and by The Wsspport Kwin.
8 Dec 2024, 00:10 Killed at level 336 by Aftermath Angel, Diguinho Mata Memu, Vps Full Afk, Only Desturbed, Gorilla Zord, Fulga Favela Bomba, Avalikostevara, Acostini, Kiiller Bee, Vulgo Luciano, User Unlocked, Paga Fogo Dragao and by Adony Massacre.
27 Nov 2024, 13:11 Killed at level 336 by Egocentrico Nopush, Les Deux, The Lost, Azinhow Tysbagaca, Yukatsu Brentki, Demar Derozan and by Vulgo Luciano.
27 Nov 2024, 12:51 Killed at level 337 by Yukatsu Brentki, Macaco, Brooklin, Azinhow Tysbagaca, Rainha Matalixo, Les Deux and by Demar Derozan.

Frags List
Frags Justified
Frags Unjustified

Record of Daily Experiences
EXP Today
+670 (Monster Experiences)
-12.950.994 (Monster Experiences)
-13.175.780 (Monster Experiences)
-8.977.215 (Monster Experiences)
+9 (Monster Experiences)
+20.939 (Monster Experiences)
+1.895.810 (Monster Experiences)
not gain exp (Monster Experiences)

General Experience Records Graph

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Top Experience
1- Zajkra
1400, Royal Paladin
2- Vuld
382, Royal Paladin
3- Alexandre Fleming
374, Master Sorcerer
4- Caminhozigzag
371, Elite Knight
5- Fuzion
371, Royal Paladin

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